Chapter 36

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( keep in mind i know it's past Halloween in our time, but in this time it's around October)

Third pov

Autumn could barely hold in her excitement, one of the favorite holidays was coming up. Halloween! all of the candy and costumes! plus she gets to watch horror movies too while she eats, he freshly caught candy? This night is going to be fantastic; she can't wait for it; it's all coming up this weekend. The small child ran down the hallway of her home happily, skirting past stretch who had just woken up from his daily " breaks" as he and his lazy siblings put it, the lazy skeleton couldn't help but chuckle at the excited child. " you're awfully cheerful today, more so than usual." 

" Halloween is coming up really soon! I'm super-duper excited for it! it's one of my favorite holidays! apart from thanksgiving of course" autumn spoke while bouncing back and forth on her feet, flapping her hands up and down while she gazed up happily at stretch. " well that is somethin isn't it? you figure out what you're going to be?" this made the child halt her motions, her smile turning in to a panic worry as she held her hands to her head. " no this is an emergency! i...i need help!" she turned away from stretch and began to sprint down the stairs, making stretch panic a bit himself. " PAPA PAPYRUS! PAPA BLUE!" she screamed while bursting into the kitchen. sans, cash, edge, blue and papyrus were all there, surprised by the child's sudden entrance. " MY GOODNESS AUTUMN, WHATEVER IS THE MATTER?" autumn looked up at papyrus for a moment, tears forming in her eyes before she burst into loud sobs, making papyrus enter papa bear mode. He swiftly picked her up into his arms, wrapping her up into a tight hug before calming her down. " MY DARLING WHAT HAPPENED? DID YOU HAVE A NIGHTMARE DURING YOUR REST TODAY?" 

a shake of her head was his answer. 

" DID YOU FALL AND SKIN YOUR KNEE AGAIN?" he said while frantically looking her over, blue and edge also looking as well just to make sure. " no no's...i.."  autumn whined while wiping tears from her eyes. " IT'S WHAT CHILD. WHAT HAPPENED?" edge said now becoming worried himself. autumn took one last breath before she told them everything, how she had a whole night planed for her favorite holiday, the candy, the movies, staying up while eating candy and watching scary movies, this made sans snort a bit in laughter: but the most horrible thing happened papa papyrus..." 

" WHAT MY DEAR?" papyrus said while pressing his forehead against hers, relieved nothing really bad happened to her. " I don't have a costume!" she cried while breaking out in to sobs again, burying herself into his shoulder while papyrus looked over to his siblings with a sympathetic smile. He sighed, shushing the child once more before sitting down on a nearby chair. " THAT'S ALL SWEETHEART? NOTHING HURTS?" 

" No papa..." 

" IT'S OK DEAR! WE STILL HAVE TIME; DID YOU HAVE ANYTHING IN MIND THAT YOU MIGHT WANT TO BE?" autumn thought for a moment, there were a whole bunch of different options, last year she was a duck, the year before she was a penguin ( her mother's choice), and the year before she was still a baby, so she doesn't know, so many went through her head, then an idea popped in to her mind. she gave a soft smile, which made everyone smile again as well, she leaned forward, whispering into paps ear before pulling away. " AUTUMN THAT'S A WONDERFUL IDEA! I JUST SO HAPPEN TO KNOW SOMEONE WHO CAN HELP IN THIS SITUATION"  

" You do?"  autumn asked while papyrus placed her down on the floor, only to stare blanky at edge when he picked her back up into his arms, softly petting the back of her head. The black and red skeletons starred back in confusion. " WHAT?"  papyrus rolled his eyes, dialing a number on his phone, it rang for a while before a perky voice popped up on the other side. " Creampuff darling, how are you?" 

" GOOD AFTERNOON, RASPBERRY! I'M DOING VERY WELL TODAY! AND YOURSELF?". raspberry? who is this person, another papa for autumn to meet?! This person and papa papyrus went back and forth, talking for a moment before this raspberry person asked why papyrus had called them. " WELL, I'M NOT SURE IF YOU AND SUGARPLUM KNOW YET, BUT MY BROTHERS AND I HAVE A LITTLE CHILD NAMED-" before papyrus could get another word out, the front door flew open, revealing two new skeletons, one looking like autumns papa papyrus, but he wore a weird looking outfit, he looked so pretty too! and his sibling, the one that looks like papa sans, he also looks pretty too. The two of them looked around a moment before their eyes stopped on autumn, they gushed a bit before rushing over, the papyrus look alike grabbed autumn from edges arm's cradling her while they gushed out happily. " OH MY STARS CREAMPUFF! WHY HAVEN'T YOU TOLD US YOU ADOPTED!!" pink papyrus spoke while hugging autumn close, autumn didn't really know what was going on, she loved the attention though. sans was the one to answer pink papyrus's question. " the people that use to live across from us were pretty neglectful...after they saw she wasn't at least a little bit like them, they left her behind, gave us, mostly wine, parental rights." The two new skeletons took a moment to process the story, not long after they had autumn in a tight embrace. " AWE HOW AWFUL! I HOPE YOU'RE DOING MUCH BETTER NOW SMALL ONE" autumn nodded back at the two of them, then speaking to get matters back on track: i understand if it makes you both upset, but we have a real tragedy on our hands!" 

" Oh? What's that pumpkin cake?" purple sans spoke while setting autumn back on the floor, letting her take a deep breath in before she gave them both a serious look. " I don't have a Halloween costume, b..but papa papyrus said you can help me with that!" pink papyrus rose up to his feet, placing a hand over his chest while he spoke out proudly. " OF COURSE, WE CAN HELP SMALL ONE, JUST TELL US WHAT YOU NEED!" with that the three of them were upstairs, with edge following shortly after. sans looked over to paps with a confused stare. " what did she want to be for Halloween?" 

Paps only chuckled in response, turning back to the breakfast he was making before autumn came in with her dilemma. " YOU'LL SEE SOON ENOUGH" 

autumn gushed happily over her outfit, it was perfect, her hair braided up like a princess while a little flower crown sat on her head, the best part about the crown was that it lit up, so it won't be so dark when she and her friends go out trick or treating. the dress her papa sugarplum made, (she learned the name of the two while they made her costume). IT WAS A M A Z I N G. these two knew exactly what they were doing, the dress was puffed around her, like Cinderella's dress. it was a beautiful shade of purple with glitter splattered over it, making it shine. A little black backpack in the shape of a flower was wrapped around her waist, her face paint was done up like them, a skeleton. Edge was impressed, out of all of the outfits the made, this was the most majestic one they had made. autumn couldn't keep in her excitement, she was already out of the room towards the Livingroom where everyone was, all dressed up in their costumes.  It was a bit silent when autumn showed up in her costume, said child lifts her arms into the air happily.

" I'm a skeleton princess"

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