Chapter 32

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Avery's pov 

This was super exciting, today was the first day Kathy and i were able to go over to autumn's house for a playdate, after she had been found and taken home. Not a lot of people were allowed to go see her, it made us a little upset, but we understood why. I bounced a little bit in my seat, shaking the seat of my sister's car a little bit as she pulled into the entrance of a neighborhood, seeing different houses go by only made my excitement grow as we neared her home, from what the GPS told us at least. Kathy seemed excited to seemed excited about the playdate too, not only will this be our first time over there, but we'll be able to meet all of the people that take care of her as well. Kathy and I both let out a loud squeal when we pulled up into the driveway, kicking our feet a bit when we came to a stop, our sister chuckled at us a little bit, taking off her seat belt after she turned off the car. " Alright you two, i know you're excited for this little playdate-" 

" w...we're not just excited for our playdate, we're excited to see autumn too! we've been asking to see her for ages!" Kathy blurted out, getting out of her car seat, i followed shortly after i got out of mine, the two of us climbed over our sisters lap and out of the car door, Katie seemed like she couldn't help but laugh at the two of us, once out of her way, Katie grabbed her purse from the seat beside her, stepping out of her car to follow us up the driveway where we were met with a surprised guest. A fluffy black kitty, laying lazy like on the home's front porch, kathy and i giggled a little bit, kneeling down beside him to give his head soft pets. while we both gave the little furball pats, the front door opened up suddenly, revealing a very tall skeleton, he was even taller than papyrus when Kathy and I met him at school that time he was dropping autumn off. He kind of looked like papyrus too, except he had braces on his teeth, and he was dressed up in a large, red, oversized sweater, blue jeans and dark red boots too. The tall skeleton looked down at us with confusion written on his face, he seemed surprised to see us. " UM, HELLO THERE LITTLE ONES!"  he looked between us and the cat we were crowded around, thinking a little before speaking again " WHERE ARE YOU'RE PARENTS YOUNG ONES?" before we could get another word out our sister came up the front steps, holding her purse on her side while she smiled at the skeleton with a gentle wave. "Hello pumpkin, I didn't know you lived here." my sister said now standing in front of this pumpkin person, the tall skeletons smiled brightly at my sister, his full attention on her now. " MISS KATIE! I'M SURPRISED TO SEE YOU HERE" he placed a hand on his chin in thought " ON SECOUND THOUGHT, HOW DID YOU GET HERE" this made me giggle a little bit. " We drove here silly!"

" a..avery and i have a playdate with autumn." my younger sister spoke hiding behind me a bit, she was always such a shy person, hopefully we can help her grow out of that soon. Mister pumpkin moved out of the doorway, letting my sisters and i come inside, Kathy and i gave the little black kitty one last pat before we followed the tall skeleton into the house, our sister following shortly after. " A PLAYDATE, HOW FUN. COME ON INTO THE LIVINGROOM WHILE I FECTH AUTUMN FROM HER ROOM" pumpkin spoke while leading us to said area, when my sisters and i walked in, we noticed a few other skeletons sitting and relaxing in the area. Kathy spotted mister sans laying back on the couch, his eyes closed a bit with a bright smile playing at his face, he seemed to be actually saying the letter ' z ' over and over again, pretending to be asleep, maybe he was trying to play a trick on someone. It didn't stop Kathy from running up to him, giving him a surprise hug, which quickly ' woke ' him up. " Mister sans!" she cried out happily, making her feet dance a little bit, sans sat up in his seat, patting her head softly while laughed a bit. " hey kiddo, how ya doin?"  Kathy smiled brightly at him, going on and on about how she was excited to see autumn again and to have a whole day to play with her and me in the backyard. some of the skeletons we saw were at first confused by our sudden appearance, but i guess after some explanation from their sibling mister sans, they went back to whatever they were doing before we got here. While my litter sister went on her rant, one of the skeletons that i have seen before at school when autumn disappeared had come up to me, it was that blue person, he knelt down in front of me, holding a small tray of snacks out in front of him. " ARE YOU HUNGRY LITTLE ONE? I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT YOU TWO LIKED SO I MADE THESE LITTLE KITTY SNACKS I FOUND OFF THE INTERNET" I took a look at the tray that was held out in front of me, they looked so cute! They were little hello kitty shaped bites, they looked really sweet too Kathy and katies favorite. said sister had made her way over to sans, taking a gentle seat next to him with a bright smile on her own face, she seemed nervous about something. 


" hey."

There was a short pause.

" So, how have you been?"

" eh, been pretty about you?"

my sister sighed a little bit "Absolutely hectic, these two have been nonstop, asking me to plan a day to come see you all" she explained while looking between the two of us, while the two of them spoke to each other, someone out of nowhere tackled me to the ground, laughing happily. 


i hugged autumn back with my own laughter, Kathy came over and joined in on the hug pile as well. " AUTUMN!"  she looked up at my sister. " KATHY!" the three of us gave out high pitched squeals making some of the skeletons around us cringe a little bit, the skeleton dress up in black and red peered over at us from his book, a tiny grin pulled at his face before he went back to his book, another skeleton who was playing a video game with another one of his siblings flinched a bit when we squealed. " ey ey, if yall are gonna be loud like that go play outside" he spoke without looking away from the screen. autumn stood to her feet, rushing over to him to place her arms on his shoulders while she watched him play his game. " Papa red, after your game will you and papa cash come play dolls with us?" she asked, this made both Kathy and myself spring to our feet, now the three of us were all pulling on their arms begging them to play the game with us. The two of them looked at one another before giving out a sigh of defeat. mister red was the one to speak. " fine, but after we finish our race" we once again squealed happily, following autumn to the back while we laughed to one another. 

" wow, they sure seem excited." 

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