Chapter 9

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Third pov

When sans had finally finished up autumns hair, strech, cash, red and mutt had all woken up for that morning, eyes all half way lid, heads leaned back in to their big jackets while they waited for their brothers to finish up whatever they were doing. Autumn on the other hand, was currently sat in front of the TV again, watching more cartoons, a specific one she absolutely loved was transformers. People who had met her before had always found it a little weird that she enjoyed a show ( to society) that was supposed to be for boys. It didn't matter to her at all, she loved the story and the characters of it, although some of them did annoy her at times, but she didn't mind it too much. The entire series always made her eyes sparkle with happiness, when fights happened between two main characters, bad guys and good guys. Autumn couldn't help but cheer a little for the good guys so they could save the day.  Autumns small hands waved around a bit at an intense scene of her show, she leaned in, waiting to see what would happen, as the characters starred at one another, the evil warlord pulled his gun out and aimed it at the good leader, shortly after they began and in the middle of it all.....the TV went out. Showing nothing but a black screen, autumn let out an angry cry, standing up to her feet as she turned back to see stretch had turned off the TV, he was in the kitchen with blue, and the others getting ready for their trip today.  Autumn ran up to stretch, pouting as she grabbed on to his hoodie, reaching up for the remote he held above his head. With soft grunts of determination, autumn hopped up on her tip toes, as final attempts of taking it and turning her show back on. Stretch grinned at her, patting her head as he explained it was time for everyone to leave. Autumn paused, thinking a moment before her hands fell to her sides, small tears pricked the sides of her eyes as she pouts.

" hey, it's ok honey don't cry, we can watch more of it when we get home ok?"


With a soft smile, stretch set the remote on to the table, leading the child towards the front where red, mutt and cash shortly followed, meeting their brothers all on the front porch, autumn couldn't help but pout as they all piled on to a lightly colored van. Blue had tilted his head in confusion, asking her what was bothering her. Stretch chuckled a little was leaning back in his seat, shoving his hands in to his pockets.

" nyeh, she's angry with me"


" nope, had to turn her show off while it was at a good part."

" OH, AWE IT'S ALRIGHT AUTUMN DEAR" blue spoke turning the ignition of the car on, waiting patiently while the others piled on to the car. " WE CAN ALL FINISH YOUR SHOW WHEN WE GET BACK OK?". She didn't reply, all she did was stare out of the window, a soft pout still played on her lips as she watched the car slowly pull out of it's parked spot, while the lot of them drove down the road, cash and mutt silently looked at one another, as if signaling to make this child happy again.  Mutt leaned an arm on top of autums head, gently as possible. Shortly after he started to throw off a few puns, making his brother and counterparts groan with aggravation.

" COME NOW BROTHER, THIS DAY IS TO BE ENJOYABLE" black spoke glaring at mutt, who only shrugged while cracking a few more jokes, only for them to be returned back with unamused groans. The thing is, it all would have stopped, if it weren't for red and stretch joining in as well. They all looked to see if autumn would smile a little, and to their success she was, her head was perked up as she listened to them joke around with one another, giggling here and there when she understood most of the jokes.

" feel a little better pipsqueak?" Cash asked also leaning against her head gently, autumn shooed both mutt and cash off, smiling as she smoothed out her hair. " Mhm...oks!" She said kicking her legs back and forth excitedly as she watched blue finally pull up in to the mall parking lot, it didn't look like a lot of people Decided to come today, which was a good thing for the lot of them, hopefully they won't have any run in with any Karen's during this trip, they all want her to be happy, and enjoy her time. So they're gonna keep a look out for any entitled chicks or dudes.

Once they had all exited out of the car, autumn couldn't help but stare in awe at the sight in front of her, this mall looked so huge! So much bigger then what she was use to, and the front entrance! It had a huge statue of some weird looking robot guy holding on to microphone. In her awed moment, blue had grabbed on to autumns hand, to make sure she didn't run off. ( She had a tendency of doing so, from what he's learned). She was an excitable child, he understood her though. A Child's curiosity usual got the better of them, and it usually clouds their judgment so they tend to do not so safe things when that spur of the moment happens.

Either way though, he can't help but feel happy upon seeing her face light up with joy. He couldn't wait to show her all of the wonderful stores inside run by all kinds of different people. mostly monsters worked here but a few human shops have opened up here as well, to attract customers of course. Blue chuckled at the child while she tried so hard to drag him through the parking lot, hopping along excitedly while she reached out with an arm, pointing at signs that made her curious.


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