Chapter 10

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Third pov

Autumn gazed up at the different stores that were all scattered across the mall, there were so many stores she didn't know which one she wanted to go to. There was a store filled with all sorts of clothes, they look so cute but for whatever reason majority of them had stripes covering them. Nevertheless they were all super cute. The boys were all off doing their own things, cash, red and mutt sat down at a table in the middle of the food court. ' saving a seat for lunch later' as they put it while edge, viper, blue, black and stretch all stayed with autumn, all having eyes on her like a hawk as she darted towards the clothing store she spotted when they walked in.

A few outfits caught her eyes, mostly the big sweaters, she was a huge sweater fan. She couldn't lie when she admits to being a little jealous of stretch's hoodie. It looked super soft and she absolutely wanted something like it when she first saw it. The store itself was cute, all sorts of colors painted on the walls, small decorations dancing around the store as you went deeper in.

Blue smiled down at autumn when she stopped in front of the sweaters, looking through each one until an orange hoodie caught her eye. When they pulled it out to examine it, the oversized piece of cloth had a bee darting across the front, while a honeycomb sat behind it. Her eyes sparkled brightly, autumn gripped on to it, looking up at the gaggle of skeletons with puppy eyes. Strech couldn't help his Snickers, blue with his own as well, the lot of them watched as she ran off towards some skirts and pants that hung on display.

Blue and stretch went off to a different store, more than likely to get new toys for her to have before she leaves with Toriel and frisk. Edge, viper and black all stayed by autumn, glaring at anyone who looked at them the wrong way, autumn didn't really noticed it, probably due to the fact she was distracted by cute articles of clothing. There were a few she really liked, three sweaters and two pairs of shorts, the first sweater was of the color of pastel pink, soft purple strips lined across it. The second sweater was a plain yellow, a soft pink crescent moon with two rings winding around it decorated. The final sweater was the honeycomb sweater she fell in love with, the shorts were just some jean shorts edge picked out for her, they were more for the summer, so she had some clothes to play in, but the skeletons who stayed back at the house had found a few of their brothers old baby bones onesies they wore when they were younger. ( How convenient)

Edge of course paid for it all, during the transaction something had caught autumns eye, all the way across the mall was a whole store full of toys, it looked like absolute heaven! With out thinking autumn was already on her way over to it, making a straight beeline towards it. Avoiding anyone in her path as she darted in to the store of paradise, it wouldn't be much of an issue if the gaggle of skeletons were paying attention to her when she ran off.

When edge turned to check on her, he had to double take, when he noticed he was gone he went in to full MOM mode. " AUTUMN?! WHERE IS THE CHILD?!" he spoke, panic rising in his chest as he ran out of the store, scanning around to see if he could spot her, viper who was also panicking as they searched around. " WHY WOULD SHE RUN OFF?"

" MAYBE SHE THOUGHT WE WERE BEHIND HER OR SOMETHING?" viper asked also rushing through the crowd with edge,while the two of them ran around aimlessly, black spotted her standing in the window of the toy store, starring up at a bunch of toys that lined up on the shelf of the store. Black gave out a breath of relief when he spotted her, shortly after he entered in, standing beside her with his hands behind his back. He noticed her eyes were set on a specific toy, a little squishy looking stuffed animal, sitting on the shelf with a happy grin and glitter filled eyes. Black looked down at the child in wonder, was this the reason why she ran off? A store full of toys? Clearing his throat to catch her attention, he leaned over her with an amused face.

" Dear, I Know You Must Be Excited To Be Here, But Please Refrain From Running Off From Us...Alright?"

" I'm sorry..."

He waved his hand dismissively, patting her head as he spoke gently to her, telling her it was alright as long as she didn't do it again. " MAKE SURE YOU APOLOGIZE TO VIPER AND EDGE, YOU HAVE THEM WORRIED SICK.." he scolds holding on to her hand, escorting her out of the store, edge and viper still freaking out while the two of them approach the two of them. Edge was the first to scoop autumn up in to his arms, checking over her to make sure she wasn't harmed in anyway. When black explained autumn was distracted by some toys across the clothing store they were at, both edge and viper went on a stern lecture, explaining how dangerous the world is, she should always stay by their side so she isn't harmed. The two of them both pat her head when she apologized to them with tears in her eyes. After the lot of them calmed down, they all decided to head back towards the other to wait for blue and strech to come back.

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