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Is this a dream? Maybe, maybe not.

The sight of my brother and stepsister locked in each other's embrace, singed fresh in my memory bubbles up and sends flashes of pain across my eyes.

Wasn't it obvious?

I can see it now.

The secret glances shared over the table, the way they would jerk away from each other randomly the moment someone entered the room. Evangeline's guilty expression at the mall when she went with Chris and I.

My hand slips off the doorknob and falls to my side. I'm rooted to the spot, even though everything in me screams to storm in there and demand an explanation. How long have they been hiding this? I should look away, do anything else but stand there and watch. Asher plays her body like an instrument, a prodigy with lithe talented fingers that manipulate her soft flesh, something I've only ever dreamed of and more. I stand there, mouth open, feeling myself grow hard at the sight of Evangeline, straddling Asher's lap, one hand up her top and the other...He slips a hand into her shorts, and she moans.

I take a step back, dick kicking so hard at the sound. It's something I could've only ever imagined, and now that I've heard it, I'll be replaying it in my memory even if I don't want to. My foot knocks into the the doorframe. I quickly duck out of sight and into my room, shutting the door quietly as possible. There's a tent in my pants, corresponding with the intense aching I feel down there, and in my heart.

Shit. What exactly are they doing in there?

I ignore the raging boner and sink into my chair, feeling numb.

Upset, yes. Why not me? 

She doesn't feel anything for you.

Jealous, definitely. I'm in love wth Evangeline, as are my brothers, but my upstart brother got to her first.

But hurt, most of all. Because it's a secret, but not for long. My heart feels...broken. It is. I can barely suppress the tears forming behind my eyes, which I scrub at furiously.

As if summoned by our twin telepathy, Chris appears at the door and immediately drops into a crouch.

"Max? What's wrong?" He places a hand on my shoulder. I suck in multiple sharp breaths, unable to hold back. "I knew it. I knew it." I sob, burying my head between my legs. My brother wraps an arm around my shoulders as I tell him everything.

Chris's eyes darken. He shows no outward emotion other than the bob of his throat, and pats my back comfortingly. He holds out a hand, which I take and riser to my feet, swiping a hand over my puffy eyes. "Let's not confront them about this just yet, yeah? Let Lucas know first."



Later, after Asher and I clean up, I change back into my own clothes and head downstairs to help prepare dinner. It's supposed to be the twins and I today, but I find Lucas there instead, wearing an apron with his arms folded across his buff chest. He looks deep in though when I see him, his sharp features creased in an emotion akin to pain, but not the physical typ.

"Hey." I smile and walk toward him. Anguished sadness crosses his face as he meets my eyes before he quickly smooths it over.

"Oh, hi. Feeling better?" He asks as he turns to face the counter, back to me and gestures to the chopping board and bowl of tomatoes by the sink. 

"Yeah, thanks. I'll do better next time." I swallow uncomfortably and go to perform the task. 


I enter the dining room carrying a tray of piping hot ramekins fresh off the steamer. The atmosphere in there is definitely weird, like just now during dinner prep, where Lucas barely looked at or spoke to me. Is he mad? But about what? Lucas and Chris jerk and then share a meaningful look over the rice at my entrance. Asher's eyes flick to me, and he winks flirtatiously when they're not looking, oblivious to his brothers' strange behaviour. I blush and avert my gaze, only seeing the lustful look in his eyes from earlier as he did those things to me.

"Where's Max?" I ask, staring at his empty seat. He's usually the first one down.

The same pained expression Lucas had earlier flashes across Chris's face.

What is up with them?

Chris shrugs and leans back in his chair, crossing his arms. "Um, he's not feeling well." He's not a very good liar.

I look to Asher for an explanation but he raises his brows, clueless as I am. I force a smile and take a seat next to him, squeezing his leg under the table. "Okay then. I'll take some food up for him later. Let's eat?"

They nod quietly and dig in. Chris repeatedly shovels food into his mouth, as if he's trying to eat as fast as possible, while Lucas does the same, but like he wants to avoid speaking entirely.

It's really uncomfortable. It wasn't even like this when we first met.

What exactly is up with them?




I cross my legs in the desk chair and sigh heavily. Max slumps over his desk, eyes glued to his flashing compute screen, headphones blasting what I assume is heavy metal. Understandable. I want to drown out everything too. 

"Evangeline's getting worried, you know? Even me. This isn't healthy." Max has been holed up in here for nearly two days. He's refused any food and has been living off of a stash of chips and soda even I hadn't an idea about.

He wrenches the headphones off his head and slams them onto his keyboard. There are circles under his eyes. "What do I care?" Max snarls. It's awful, seeing my twin, my other half this way. "I'm angry. Furious."

I nod and let him rant. Naturally, I feel like punching Asher in the face as well, and it's like swallowing glass whenever I see Evie.

"Chris. I want—I wanna tell you something."

I bob my head, listening. Max's emotions are on a rollercoaster he can't control, so the best I can do for him is to be there.

"I—I'm jealous." He whispers. I meet his eyes then. The tiniest hope speaks in my chest before I crush it quickly.

Could it be? But now is not the time. "But you know?" He chokes out, clenching his fists. "I—I actually think—they're better off together."

"What? No." I shake my head.


I've always suspected this, and...

It finally looks like we may have a compromise.

"Don't worry. We'll figure this out eventually."

I pull out my phone and text Lucas.

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