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The afternoon is bleak. I nudge my twin. "I wanna nap. You coming?" He yawns, as if on cue, and gets up to follow me. 

As we approach our room, noisy chatter, interrupted by bouts of laughter sound from Lucas's room. Upon passing by, something makes Chris stop short. He whips around with the most amused grin on his face and crooks a finger at me. The two of us peer into our older brother's room through the crack. The door has been left ajar, revealing our stepsister perched on Lucas's lap, legs hooked around his, giggling as she converses with a voice coming from the speakers. They're playing a game. Valorant maybe? That thought is fleeting, however.

My eyes widen, and I feel a twinge of jealousy. Then the guilt starts gnawing at me. Why am I jealous? Because I'd rather I was in Lucas's place right now? 

And Lucas should know better! Chris stops chuckling to himself once he realises I'm not laughing with him. What's funny about this, anyway? In the back of my mind, I've always somehow known my brothers like her too, even if we're not supposed to. 

But as I I see Lucas's hands settle tentatively on her waist, the resentment in me builds. "Max." Chris places a hand on my shoulder. "Bro, you good?" I force myself to meet his eyes. The same cornflower blue, in the same face. Almost like staring into a mirror, but with silvery hair in the reflection. I plaster a smile on my face and nod. "Come on. Let's go."

As we walk away, I picture my brother's faces in my mind. Screw it. I don't care if it's taboo or if it's forbidden. I know for a fact that I love her, and I will never give her up. Not even for you guys.



I remember snoozing peacefully, dreaming about something when a cold iron grip encircles my ankles. My eyes fly open, but before I can react, I feel myself being yanked backward. Max exclaims from the other side, so I assume that was done to him too. Not bothering to move, I groan, legs still dangling over the edge of the mattress. "Go away."

 The mattress bounces as someone jumps on, a few inches shy of my head. "Watch your ass," I slur. Lucas snickers. "Is that any way to speak to your older brother?"

"Leave them alone. There's still, like, an hour to go before we leave." Evie. 

Her words have no effect, as I get hauled off the bed and onto the carpeted floor, dragging the blanket with me. I swear, once I'm fully awake...There is a thump beside me. Probably Max. 

"Leave where?" The brother in question mumbles.

"To the restaurant. Mom and Tony insist on us going out on a family dinner before they depart for another business trip." Asher pipes up.

"Great. So all of us are in here," Max and I grumble in unison.

Cold fingertips press against my cheek. "Aw, poor grouchy," Evie coos some nonsense in my ear. Asher guffaws loudly, then several pillows drop onto our heads. 

"I wanna nap." I open one eye a crack. There is a rustling as Lucas lays down on my left. "I'm tired as fuck." 

Max grunts. "No cursing in front of the little ones."

"Whatever, lil bro." 

"Don't call me that! It's embarrassing." 

A blanket is thrown over us. Asher and Evie giggle, then they slip under the covers too. Evie slides her arms around me. "I'm gonna hug you." A smile creeps across my face. "Sure." I breathe in deeply, relishing the scent of her hair. (Oh wait that sounded creepy o_0)

It's the type that you can't suppress, even if you wanted to. I can't recall the last time all of us just had a moment like this. There may be 5 of us just crammed into the area between our bed and closet, but it feels intimate, in a sort of way. Asher gives me the side eye, but his expression quickly changes as I see Evie's hand slip into his. Cute.

My brothers like Evie. Maybe even love her, and not in a brotherly way. Who knows. One day, if they were to ever come to terms with their feelings, unconscious or hidden deep inside, perhaps it could be possible for all of us to love her in perfect harmony.

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