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Evangeline's words give me a sense of strength, despite the guilt and sorrow threatening to overpower me. I sit there, still as a statue, looking at my hands, which she touched, before departing with a quick hug to offer support, no matter how insignificant. I breathed in the soft scent of her being. The natural pheromones she carries, as well as the fruity smell of her shower.

Brave. Me?

I think she's mistaken, really.

I may not be the person she sees me as, but I can make that guy, that Daniel she sees a reality. My reality.


Later, once everything has been settled and therapy sessions have been arranged, Mrs Whitlock's children all gather in the foyer to see their guests off.

Evangeline sticks close to Asher's side. I throw a glance back at her, before commencing my plan.

Rising on shaky legs, wishing I had Evangeline on my arm for support, or my best friends, the twins with me, I rest a sweaty palm on the door and push it open.

Mrs Whitlock smiles kindly. "Ah, Daniel. Thank you for coming. We'll see you soon."

I dip my head respectfully. "Thank you for having me. And, once again, I am deeply sorry for my behaviour." 

With that, I stride quickly over to Owen and go straight up to him and the two women accompanying him. I take slow, deep breaths to steady my jumpy heart rate as I meet Owen's eyes. 

I don't think I actually blamed Owen. It was probably just my own bottled up emotions taking hold. It pains me to do so, and hurts my pride to say all this in front of an audience, especially people I wish to maintain a good image upon, namely, Evangeline, who looks at me with her pretty gray doe eyes.


I clench my fists, grit my teeth, keeping my gaze locked onto Owen Hale. If I look close enough, I can see the phantom kiss marks on his cheeks, the Cherry Blossom Smiles lipstick imprints left as a brand on his skin by Lana.

Come on, Daniel.

"I'm sorry." I dont know what else to say. There is nothing else to say. Yet, all my feelings are conveyed in just those two words. And I think Owen gets it. 

He nods wordlessly, face unreadable. "I'm sorry too, Daniel."

With that, Owen and his guardians stiffly take their leave. Before the door closes, I catch Owen sneak a glance back toward Mr and Mrs Whitlock's children. His heated stare is aimed straight at Evangeline.



After the visitors have taken their leave, my brothers all head back to complete their various assignments. I trail a little behind them as they laugh and talk. As we go up the stairs, I hear faint, raised voices coming from our parent's study. I pause in my tracks and involuntarily lean in the direction of the noise. 

"...why, why are you always like this? It's just small sum, to help the boy and his grandmother." Mariam's usually mellow, pleasant voice is now filled with false calm. One can easily sense the fear hidden under hr tone.

"It's my money, too!" I instantly recognise my father's raised, aggressive voice. 

Fear strikes me, deep in my bones. I instantly freeze up, rooted to the spot. My brothers notice I'm not behind them and backtrack. Asher grabs my quivering hand, raised to the doorknob, as if to open it.

"Hey, are you okay?" Him and the rest hear the argument as well. My father's voice gets louder and louder as the spat escalates, on the topic of their shared wealth. My skin crawls with anxiety. Asher has his arm looped around my waist, as if he's trying to hold me back. My hand drops to my side, hanging there.

Something crashes from inside. All this time, we've been stuck there, crowded up against the wooden door, but as soon as the noise reaches out ears, I act on instinct. 

The first time I met Mariam, Dad was on the verge of beating me up. I can't let Dad do anything to her.

I tear myself from Asher's loose, warm grip and kick open the door with a bang.

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