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Just as we're leaving the restaurant, I hear a familiar voice. "Lucas!" Owen, our neighbour and Luke's best friend crosses the street with his moms. Orabella and Penny join us too, chiding Owen for running off on his own. He looks a little surprised to see Tony, but smiles and greets all of us. I could've been mistaken, but I swear his eyes lingered a few seconds too long on Evangeline, who gives him a pretty smile.

God. If she weren't my stepsister, I would've had her for my first kiss already. Lucas puts and arm around her shoulders. "Princess. I don't believe you've met Owen's moms. This is Orabella and Penny." 

She beams adorably and extends her hand. "Nice to meet you." The two women reciprocate the greeting. 

 Orabella titters excitedly. "Boys, you're so lucky to have such a lovely stepsister!" Lucas laughs."We are." Penny pinches his cheek. "My, you've all grown so big!" Her wife grins. "Owen is lagging behind, then." Owen rolls his eyes playfully. "Come on! I'm just as big and strong as the rest of them."

Lucas's eyes light up. "I have an idea! Owen here is basically a math geek. Why not you come over weekly to tutor Asher and Evangeline? If that's okay with you." The last bit is directed at Penny and her wife, and Evie and I.

Orabella taps her acrylic nailed fingers against her swollen belly. "That's alright, if Owen's up for it." Penny, Evie and I nod in agreement. It's convenient.

"You'll be paid by the hour, of course." Lucas adds. Owen grins. "I'll think about it and let you know by tomorrow."

Tony looks irritated but says nothing, while Mom claps her hands. "Wonderful." 



"Hey, Asher, Evangeline!" Someone calls rom behind us. Oliver, Landon and Carrie are jogging to catch up with us, big smiles on their faces. Evie's face brightens, as does mine. Her friends have become mine as well over the past few weeks. 

Carrie grabs her bestie in a hug and squeezes her tightly. "Gosh, babes. I haven't seen you at all today!" Evangeline laughs, waving at the others. "Missed you too." 

Oliver coughs. "Asher, I got the stuff." Evangeline raises her brows. "Dude. Sounds like you're a crack dealer or something."

Carrie snickers. "Sussybaka." 

"Shut up." Oliver hands me a paper bag, and we all peer inside. Landon rolls his eyes, slinging an arm around his girlfriend's shoulder. "Prank stuff. Seriously?"

"Yeah. Asher here wanted to borrow this to pull pranks on his brothers." My cheeks heat a little. My stepsister wasn't supposed to hear that. 

Carrie giggles. "Oooh."

Evangeline throws a questioning look my way.

I shrug, smiling a little. "You'll see. Anyway, we gotta head home now." 

Carrie pouts." Aw. Can't you hang out with us? And who's 'we'?" I tense up. Out of unspoken agreement, none of us have actually told anyone that we're legally siblings. I honestly have no clue why, but I can guess.

Evangeline laughs nervously. "I'm going to Asher's house to complete some homework."

Landon quirks a brow. I'm seriously hoping this shrewd guy doesn't figure out anything. "Then why not with us?" 

Her eyes widen imperceptibly. "Oh, 'cause it's geography." One of the few classes which only Evie and I are in. 

Carrie and Oliver seem to buy it, while Landon still looks suspicious. I see Carrie not-so-subtly nudge his foot. "Landie. They're busy, so lets go. We can chill with them another time!" She grabs his arm and drags him away, Oliver trailing behind. She turns and gives Evangeline a wink, mouthing 'go get him'. My face burns. Does she think something's going on? I'll never admit it, but I'm super sure I have a thing for my stepsister. Which is taboo by social standards, so obviously nothing other than sibling interaction and relationships can occur between us.

I remember Oliver asking if Evie was single, and Landon's dubious expression. Maybe they're onto something. Crap.

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