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Shortly after, Daniel and Owen both took temporary leave from school for a month to focus on getting themselves together. I haven't heard a peep of Daniel, but Lucas has been over to visit Owen several times. He doesn't let me go with him, though.

My competition date is fast approaching, and I've been working my ass off in anticipation for the day. There is not a day in the week where I can move about without feeling sore from the training every alternate day. It feels a little strange, not having the captain at the forefront, nurturing us and guiding us, keeping track of our progress and yelling at us when our running breaks are taking too long. I may dislike Jessica, but I suppose her coaching skill is decent, and much more lenient than Daniel's. 

Thanks to Owen's previous guidance, Asher and I are faring pretty well, even without him. The upcoming mid-year examinations will help clarify that. Maybe then, we could stop the tutoring, but I think I would kinda miss it.

I also could be mistaken, but there are tensions brewing between our parents after that incident. Perhaps from even before that. When I first met Mariam, she was always the one bending over backward to adhere to Father's demands, but she seems to take a stronger stand when it comes to her sons.

I wonder of that includes me? Probably not.

I shake off the negativity. Asher and I have started dating in secret. The other boys are totally oblivious, and I can't help but feel a twinge of guilt every time Asher and I share a heated look across the table in their presence, and a pang of want, because while Asher is mine and I am his, they aren't. I don't get to tell them I love them everyday, as someone other than a brother, or do more tha press chaste, teasing kisses to their skin.

 Not going to lie, it hurts, not having someone, or multiple someone's in your entire heart and knowing you're probably, only just a tiny little piece of theirs.

Cause these boys?

Luke. Chris. Max. Asher. They're the centre, the very being of my heart. 

I recall each of their faces, my mind painting each of their features in vivid clarity.

Lucas with his feathery, sandy hair and mesmerising green eyes.

Chris the white angel. Every time I look at him, he shines so brightly I swear he has a halo only I can see.

Max, Chris's other half, the dark angel, he shines just as brightly as his twin.

Asher, gruffly sweet, always there for me, much like his mother, with her luscious auburn locks and stunning baby blues.

Lost in the clouds once again, Evangeline.

Excitement buzzes in my veins, because this evening, Asher left me a text telling me to meet him in the foyer at midnight. I purposely wore my favourite pajamas and underwear for this particular occasion. I blush and tiptoe downstairs, to where I'm supposed to meet Asher.

Stupid Evangeline. It's not like Asher's gonna see my underclothes anyway.

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