Our future

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After graduating from high school, Y/n and Jungwon spent the summer break together, making up for the time they had lost during their breakup. They went on dates, traveled to different places, and spent countless hours talking about everything under the sun. They were happy and content in each other's company, and nothing else seemed to matter.

As the summer drew to a close, they realized that they were about to embark on a new journey together - university. Y/n was going to pursue a degree in psychology, while Jungwon had decided to study business. They were both excited about this new chapter in their lives, but also nervous about what lay ahead.

On the first day of university, they were both filled with a mix of excitement and anxiety. They had made plans to meet up with their friends before their classes began. As they walked to the campus together, they were greeted by the bustling energy of the university. They could feel the excitement in the air as students moved around the campus, some chatting with their friends, while others were hurrying to get to their classes.

They finally met up with their friends in the courtyard. Sunghoon was studying engineering, while Heeseung had decided to pursue a degree in architecture. The four of them hugged each other and congratulated themselves on finally making it to university.

As they walked to their respective classes, Y/n and Jungwon held hands tightly. They were both nervous, but the feeling of having each other by their side made them feel more confident. They had decided to take some classes together so they wouldn't feel completely alone in a new environment.

The first few weeks of university were a bit of a struggle. Y/n and Jungwon had to adjust to a new routine, new professors, and a more demanding workload. They spent long hours studying and completing assignments. However, they still found time to be together, and whenever they had a break, they would meet up in the campus cafe to grab a coffee and chat about their day.

As the weeks went by, they became more comfortable with their new routine. They made new friends and started to get involved in different campus activities. Y/n had joined the psychology club, while Jungwon was part of the business club. They were both enjoying their classes, and they found that they had a lot to learn from their professors.

In their free time, they explored the city, went to concerts, and even took a cooking class together. They were always trying new things and pushing each other out of their comfort zones.

As the semester came to a close, Y/n and Jungwon realized how much they had grown together. They had learned to support each other through the challenges of university life and had come out stronger because of it. They were excited to see what the future held for them and knew that they could face anything as long as they had each other.

{In the second semester}

Y/n and Jungwon were now in their second semester of university. They had been dating for almost two years, and things were going great between them. They had both chosen to study in the same university and were taking similar courses. They had made some new friends and were enjoying their time in college.

In the second semester, they had some challenging courses and assignments. Y/n had a research paper due in a few weeks, and she was stressing about it. Jungwon was also busy with his assignments, but he tried his best to support Y/n.

One day, Y/n had a breakdown in the middle of the library. She was crying and couldn't stop. Jungwon had left his class early to meet her and found her in the library. He hugged her and tried to calm her down.

After a few minutes, Y/n stopped crying and looked up at Jungwon. "I don't know how to do this," she said. "I feel like I'm going to fail this paper."

Jungwon held her hand and said, "No, you're not going to fail. We'll work on it together. Let's go to my dorm and start working on it."

Y/n nodded, and they both left the library. They went to Jungwon's dorm and started working on Y/n's research paper. Jungwon helped her with the research and editing. They worked on it for hours until they finished.

When they were done, Y/n looked up at Jungwon and said, "Thank you. I couldn't have done it without you."

Jungwon smiled and kissed her forehead. "That's what I'm here for. To support you and help you whenever you need it."

Y/n hugged him tightly and said, "I love you."

Jungwon hugged her back and said, "I love you too."

From that day on, they worked on their assignments and projects together. They studied together in the library and helped each other whenever they needed it. They became each other's support system.

As the semester came to an end, Y/n and Jungwon had aced all of their assignments and exams. They were both excited to start their summer break together. They planned to travel and explore new places.

Y/n and Jungwon's relationship had grown stronger over the past year. They had overcome obstacles and challenges together. They knew that they had each other's back no matter what.

As they left the university for the summer break, Y/n and Jungwon held hands and smiled at each other. They were excited to see what the future held for them.

{In the summer break}

Y/n and Jungwon had been looking forward to the summer break since the beginning of the semester. They had both been working hard and were ready for a much-needed break. They decided to spend the summer with their friends at a beach house that Jungwon's family owned.

The first day of the break, they arrived at the beach house and were greeted by the warm sun and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. They spent the first day settling in and exploring the area. They found a nearby ice cream shop and spent the afternoon trying all the different flavors.

The rest of the week was spent soaking up the sun, playing beach volleyball, and going for long walks along the shore. They even went on a fishing trip and cooked their catch for dinner. Each night, they would sit around a bonfire, roasting marshmallows and sharing stories.

As the days passed, Y/n and Jungwon's relationship grew stronger. They spent every moment they could together, enjoying each other's company and laughing like they used to in high school. They talked about their future and what they wanted to do after university.

One evening, as they were walking along the beach, Jungwon stopped and took Y/n's hand. "Y/n, I love you so much," he said, looking into her eyes. "I can't imagine my life without you."

Y/n's heart skipped a beat. "I love you too, Jungwon," she replied, smiling up at him.

They shared a kiss as the sun set over the ocean, feeling grateful for the time they had together and excited for the future ahead. The summer break may have been coming to an end, but their love for each other was just beginning.

Guys, the story is almost done, and I hope that you liked it

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