Period cramps

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Y/n sat in the self-education class, staring at her phone screen as she scrolled through her social media feed. The teacher droned on about history, but she couldn't be bothered to pay attention. Her mind was elsewhere, focused on her boyfriend, Jungwon, who sat beside her, his nose buried in a book.

Y/n couldn't resist the urge to capture the moment. She pulled out her phone and snapped a few photos of Jungwon, his glasses perched on his nose and his lips pursed in concentration. Her friends and Sunghoon watched them with smiles, enjoying the sweet moment.

But then, the atmosphere changed. Y/n sensed a presence at her desk and looked up to see the school's notorious Playboy, Heeseung, standing before her. Everyone found it weird, as Heeseung never talked to Y/n, even though she was the most popular girl in school.

Heeseung tried to strike up a conversation with Y/n, but she was having none of it. She snapped at him, reminding him that she was taken and that he had no right to talk to her. Heeseung retreated, a look of surprise on his face, and Y/n turned back to her phone.

Her friends looked at her with concern, but Y/n brushed it off. She didn't care about Heeseung or any other guy. She had Jungwon, and that was all that mattered. As the class continued, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. But she couldn't put her finger on what it was.

{Time skip, a month later}

A month had passed, and it was the day that Y/n dreaded the most. She woke up with cramps and a headache, realizing that she had started her period. She knew that the next few days would be tough, and her mood would be all over the place.

Y/n dragged herself to school, feeling irritable and tired. Her friends tried to cheer her up, but she couldn't shake off the bad mood. She walked towards her locker, and there he was, her shy boyfriend, Jungwon, waiting for her with a smile on his face.

He reached out to give her a hug and some kisses, but Y/n dodged them, her annoyance clearly written on her face. Jungwon's smile faded, and he looked at her with concern. He knew that Y/n was not feeling her best, but he didn't know what to do to make her feel better.

Y/n brushed past Jungwon, muttering a quick "not now" before walking away. Jungwon watched her go, feeling hurt and confused. He didn't understand why Y/n was so distant, and he didn't know how to help her.

As the day went on, Y/n's mood didn't improve. She snapped at her friends, ignored her classmates, and even got into an argument with one of her teachers. She felt like everything was against her, and she couldn't shake off the negative feelings.

Jungwon tried to approach her several times, but Y/n kept pushing him away. She didn't want to hurt him, but she couldn't control her emotions. The day seemed to drag on forever, and Y/n couldn't wait to go home and curl up in bed.

As she walked out of school, Y/n realized that she had been too harsh with Jungwon. She knew that he didn't deserve her coldness, and she felt guilty for treating him that way. She decided to apologize and make it up to him, hoping that he would forgive her.

Y/n waited for Jungwon in front of the school, determined to apologize for her behavior earlier in the day. She knew that she had hurt him, and she wanted to make things right. As Jungwon walked out of the school, she approached him with a contrite expression on her face.

But Jungwon wasn't in a forgiving mood. He pushed her away, his expression cold and distant. Y/n was taken aback by his behavior, but she knew that she deserved it. She had pushed him away earlier, and now he was doing the same to her.

Y/n didn't give up, though. She knew that she had to make things right with Jungwon. She kept apologizing, hugging him, and trying to kiss him. She knew that he was angry, but she hoped that he would forgive her eventually.

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