But for Zhan...well..it was a different story, Yibo had to defuse the rumours so many times and sometimes he has to be rude to those who spoke about it. This sometimes created an argument between Yibo and Zhan, but Yibo couldn't stand getting anal the silent treatment from Zhan so he would sometimes apologize. It's not as of Zhan enjoyed the rumours, but he was a peaceful individual who never liked arguments, shouting and all the bad that comes with it. He just wanted it to be dealt with by involving the manager so that when the rumours gets too much, he wouldn't get blamed and accused for creating a rift between the co workers.

Yibo on the other hand did things his way, it was nit wrong to stand up for Zhan because he knew his weakness of being soft where it wasn't needed. That's atleast what Yibo thought, so as Zhan was in that room with Barry, everything became clear for him. It was clear but he realised that things weren't the way he wanted them to be.

"Mr Xiao..."

"Oh! Please gē...call me Zhan...you really make me feel old, besides... you're older than Yibo am I right?"

"Of course...alright...Zhan...you heard about the rumours about you and multiple guys in the cast right...? So tell me ...how do you feel about them...?"

"Gē...I don't like it because I'm still building my name, if things get too far then who would hire me for work next time...? I really don know what to do about them other than to speak to the my manager to pass it on where my concern should be heard. At least she did manage to speak to them."

"That's good, but do not feel unimportant when the matter isn't dealt with the way you expect...it's just that this industry can be brutal sometimes."

"Gē...what do you mean...?"

"The management might not follow up on it but concerntrated on getting ratings at the cast's expense. Why do you think they have cameras following you everywhere you go and recording everything you do...? It might turn out to be the kind of attention they need to get more ratings."

"I never thought about it that way, but if they cannot help me with this...how am I going to clear my name now that right now I'm accused of dating two guys one girl, in such a short period of time...how do they even think of me to even go that far..?"

"Yibo can clear your name, that's if you let him. This kinds of things tends to happen in every production, sometimes the rumours gets out and the fans start shipping people without their consent. It's not like they can do anything about it because they also want fans who could follow their work. It's not wrong to get fans but it depends on what kind of words gets people to like you. Right now I see that you and Yibo already have followers because they like you two together. There's no harm there, but there are things that fans might make up because they are fixated on you. You shouldn't take that seriously because they will spread your work but...like I said...it depends on what they spread."

"I understand...I don't want them to get the wrong idea about me and Yibo too, I mean...I don't mind that much because it's him. I just don't want to it to escalate to a point where Yibo's name gets thrown into the mud. You know how hot headed he is and if he gets to fight with everyone who brings the rumours won't that make his fans hate him or others finds a way to defae him...? I'm more scared for him than for myself. I just don't know anymore his to talk to him cause we always end up fighting. "

"I know Yibo might seem a little hit headed and acts more than talking but...he really means well. He is hot headed indeed, I've seen it for myself and I've gotten used to it. I should know because I have been with him for a long time now but... the way he acts around you is something new for me. I can see that he trully cares for you. You act as if the rumours don't bother you when you're around everyone else, but Yibo knows you dot want any drama and he sees your worries. He trully cars for you in a way I have never seen in him, just be patient with him alright..? Besides... you will all go home in a week's time and both of you will go back to the way things were, you wouldn't have to worry about him anymore.."

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