Chapter 9: Someone likes Kaden

Start from the beginning

'Polly shut the fuck up. I am so sick of it, you're always bitching looking like a tart and all, I used to ignore it and try and change you but your just a cold hearted bitch, I've had enough so leave.' They all looked shocked but they left.

'Hey, I am Vicks, sorry about that I think you're cool and had enough of her bitching. Wanna be friends' I looked at her.

'Yeah let's be friends I am Lyscia by the way. You must of been the shy one of the group right?'

'Yeah I was but I had enough.' She was really pretty, she had brown hair with blond highlights, brown eyes and rosy cheeks, her face reminded me of snow white, with different hair and eyes. The girls that came over smiled and introduced themselves, they were Gloria, Kaitlyn and Miki. Gloria was dating Max, Kaitlyn was dating Joel and Miki was dating Seb. I found it adorable, how there first name initials worked, GM, JK and MS.

We sat down and got to know each other, and soon enough the bell rang. I had music and Doug, Kaitlyn, Joel and Vicks had it with me so we separated and headed to music. We made it just before the bell, but I needed a drink so the others went in while I got a quick drink. When I was done I rushed into class and saw my best friend before she moved to go to uni.

'Aaaaaaaa holy shit Malvin/Lyscia, what the fuck you doing here!’ we both shouted at the same time using each others name of course.

‘Um, I got transferred here, the newbie ya now’

‘Oh well I’ve been teaching here for a year now.’

‘Wait you never told me that.’ Before Malvin could say anything we were rudely interrupted by Marv.

‘Mrs Drage, why did Lyscia just call you Malvin, I thought your first name was Christina and why how do you know her?’

‘Marv, this was my best friend from Singapore that I was telling you about.’

‘Yeah there’s a story behind the nickname and hold up your married and you never told me! You know me and Veks is gonna kick your sorry behind when she comes to visit in a few months. Also what stories have you been telling them?’

‘uh Lyscia I ain’t married yet but cus I am engaged and I don’t want them to get confused between the 2. I’ll tell you the stories later ok.’

‘yeah ok and I guess that’s cool your engaged OMO I am so happy for ya.’

‘I hate to interrupt but can we please continue with class, I mean I was just about to sing here.’ Polly asks.

‘Oh yes of course, start to sing, Lyscia come outside for a minute with me’ we hear a few groans as we leave the class.

‘Right Lyscia, here it is Polly cant sing so you’re the perfect excuse for me to leave. Any ways, yes I did get engaged to my mate. I am assuming you know what that is because your in this school next thing is which are you?’

‘Um, I am gonna turn when 18, your welcome for saving you and which are you’

‘Well I was human, I became a teacher here because I wanted to learn more before I marry him, so I’ll be here for 2 more years, I met him last year oh and I am part of the Singapore pack.’

‘OMG that’s amazing same here hahaha and oh yeah Veks is part of the Singapore Pack, last thing before we go inside is that I missed you like a bitch’

‘I missed you to, oh and everyone today is singing memory from cats so you should be ok oh and you’re after Polly’ we hug for a bit then we head inside and heard Polly singing the end of memory.

‘Alright class, give a round of applause for Polly, now does anyone have anything to say about her singing.’ At this no one raises there hand or comments so Polly sits back down and Malvin continues,

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