Episode 16: Get It Together! (Part 2) (Season 2 Finale)

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Wario-(voice-only) Previously on WarioWare, Incorporated!

(Montage of clips from the previous episode. In WarioWare HQ:)

Wario-My game! It's finished!

(He tosses the game into the air. It floats in midair. A pair of lips appears on the screen. Everyone screams. The lips open up, sucking everyone towards it. WARIO shrinks down into a little chibi version of himself. The others begin to shrink one by one. They all spiral into the game console. Inside the game:)

Wario-Eh?! That thing! It messed up everything it touched! This is bad. It's going to ruin my level! GAH! WAIT!

Cricket-Time to join forces.


Cricket-It's the only way! C'mon, let's tag team our foe!

(Inside CRYGOR's level:)

18-Volt-Well, there are a lot of glitches. Some games have glitches that can keep you from progressing or erase your save file entirely!

Crygor-I see, I see. So if these game bugs were to go unchecked, it could risk the destruction of the entire game.

(Inside JIMMY's level:)

Jimmy-M-hm. So if we die in the game, do we die in real life?

(9-VOLT and 18-VOLT facepalm.)

Jimmy-Wait, when did you all get here?

Crygor-Well, we've been finding everybody one by one. The problem is there are so many of us that we had to cut a few people for screen space.

9-Volt-And we have plenty more people to rescue.

18-Volt-So let's go get 'em!

Wario-(voice-only) Now here's part 2.

(Opening theme. Start in a red section of the game. WARIO, CRYGOR, MIKE, KAT, and ANA have just arrived.)

Crygor-I say! The corruption is particularly pervasive here.

(They keep moving forward. They approach ASHLEY's level. They find ASHLEY floating by herself on her broom. She hums to herself while casting red and black spells with her wand.)

Wario-Aha! Ashley! I should have known.

(ASHLEY turns around.)

Ashley-Oh joy. And here I was finally having some fun.

Wario-What are you talking about? Did you make these game bugs?

Ashley-What are you accusing me for?

Wario-Maybe they just sprung up around you because of your...bad witchy vibes!

Crygor-That would explain why this level looks so much worse compared to the others...if I weren't a man of science!

Ashley-Don't talk to me about bad vibes. It was your bad vibes that led me to WarioWare in the first place.

Wario-Well, sorry I failed the vibe check! All I'm saying is you're the one who ruined Wario Park. You've never liked me, and I wouldn't be surprised if you had magicked these bugs into the game on purpose!

Ashley-You're still mad about Wario Park?

Kat-Enough about Wario Park! Are we going to get rid of the game bugs or not?

Wario-Oh. Right. Game bugs. Ashley, It's time to stomp some game bugs, and you! You're gonna help us!

Ashley-Why should I?

Wario-Because I said so! And because...Bah! Fine! We don't need you anyway!

(He begins flying towards the level.)

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