Episode 14A: Wario Tennis

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(Start in WarioWare HQ. Everyone is working when WARIO enters carrying a duffel bag over his shoulder. Everyone watches as he walks to his desk.)

Mona-Wario, you're late!

Wario-Yeah, so?

Mona-So you should set a good example for your employees and be on time.

Wario-Well, I'm here, aren't I?

(MONA sighs.)

Mona-You're hopeless.

(WARIO drops the duffel bag and sits down. JIMMY looks down and sees a tennis racket sticking out of it.)

Jimmy-Yo, Wario, I didn't know you played tennis.


(JIMMY takes the tennis racket out of the bag.)

Wario-Hey! Put that down! It's mine!

(Everyone looks at the racket.)

9-Volt-Wario plays tennis?

Red-I didn't think he was the type of guy who played tennis.

Dribble-Yeah. He doesn't really have the body type for it.

Wario-IT'S ALL MUSCLE! Why do you people keep assuming I'm fat?

Mona-He didn't call you fat, Wario. It's just that a guy like you is better suited for football or wrestling.

Wario-Well, I can play tennis, and I'll prove it to you!

Ashley-Dude, you don't really have to.

Penny-Actually, now that you do mention it, the Diamond City Tennis Club's annual invitation tournament is coming up. Have you entered yet?

Wario-Oh, that? I've known about it for weeks.

Penny-Great! We can't wait to see you there!

Wario-Uh...is there a doubles category?

(Cut to WALUIGI's house. WALUIGI is sprawled out on the couch watching TV when there's a loud knock on the door.)

Waluigi-Who is it?

Wario-(offscreen) It's your brother! Now, come get your tennis equipment, you freak!

(WALUIGI sighs dramatically before turning off the TV. He gets up and answers the door. WARIO is standing on the other side holding the duffel bag. The name "WALUIGI" is now clearly visible on the side, embroidered in big purple letters. WARIO holds it out towards WALUIGI.)

Wario-Finally. I couldn't get it off my hands fast enough. My employees saw it, and now they're all convinced I play tennis.

Waluigi-What's the problem? Couldn't you just tell them you don't play?

Wario-Well, I could, but then I promised them that I'd enter the big invitational at the tennis club, and they're all gonna be there! How are they gonna react when they find out I'm a poser?

Waluigi-They won't. You might not play tennis, but you've got a brother who does. I'm gonna get you a second racket, we'll enter in the doubles division, and we're going to beat the competition into the ground! Then your employees will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're the best tennis player in Diamond City!

Wario-I was thinking the exact same thing.

(They both start laughing mischievously. Fade to the Diamond City Tennis Club. The stands are full, and there are players practicing on the court.)

Announcer-May I have your attention please? The doubles division begins in five minutes. Will all doubles players please report to the court?

(Zoom in on the employees of WarioWare, who are all sitting in the stands.)

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