Episode 13A: The Yo-Yo Man

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(Start in WarioWare HQ. 9-VOLT and 18-VOLT are at their seats. 9-VOLT has a yo-yo out and is trying to play with it, but every time he lets it loose, it just hangs limp on the end of the string. He frowns.)

18-Volt-Don't worry, 9-Volt. You'll get your yo-yo mojo back someday.

9-Volt-How? This isn't some ordinary slump. I haven't been able to get it to work for weeks. We have to do something about it.

18-Volt-Maybe you just need a new yo-yo.

(9-VOLT pulls the yo-yo closer to his chest.)

9-Volt-No! I've had this same yo-yo since I was five. I'm never getting rid of it.

(They both think for a moment.)

18-Volt-I know! I saw this video about a guy called the Yo-Yo Master! Lemme see if I can find it.

(He gets on 9-VOLT's computer. He types "yo-yo man" into the search bar. A bunch of six-second videos appear in the results.)

18-Volt-There it is! This is all I could find of him. Watch!

(He clicks on the first video. The video begins playing.)

Narrator-"I wanna be a yo-yo man!" he cried. "Make me a yo-yo man!" but the Yo-Yo Master did not answer. He just kept on yo-ing. [NOTE: If you can use the original video, that's great, but if not, you can reanimate it.]

(Shot of 9-VOLT's face, his mouth agape.)

9-Volt-That's got to be the Yo-Yo Master! Did you see the moves that guy was pulling off?

(He rewinds to a shot of the Yo-Yo Master.)

9-Volt-And all while staring straight ahead! I can't even do one loop without having to look at my hands, much less two simultaneously! We have to find that guy.

(CRYGOR leans over to their seat.)

Crygor-Ah, yes. I recognize that still. It was from an instructional video on yo-yo tricks made by brothers Tom and Dick Smothers, better known as the Smothers Brothers.

(9-VOLT and 18-VOLT are already asleep.)

Crygor-I believe it was first made in 1988. It taught me everything I know about yo-ing today, if I may demonstrate.

(He finally notices that 9-VOLT and 18-VOLT are asleep. He crosses his arms.)

Crygor-Oh. I didn't realize it only took me that long to bore you two to sleep.

(They wake up.)


Crygor-I was just saying that the Yo-Yo Man taught me everything I know about yo-ing today, not that you're interested.

9-Volt-You used to yo?

Crygor-Used to?

(He takes a yo-yo out of his lab coat.)

Crygor-I still do! It keep my brain nice and sharp even in old age.

(He starts doing some insane tricks with this yo-yo. 9-VOLT and 18-VOLT are both amazed.)

9-Volt-I had no idea you could do that.

Crygor-Well, you learn something new every day.

(He puts his yo-yo away.)

18-Volt-So will you help us find the Yo-Yo Man?

Crygor-Oh! Of course!

(He gets on 9-VOLT's computer. He notices "yo-yo man" already in the search bar.)

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