Episode 8A: A Math Adventure!

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(Start in a classroom at Diamond City Elementary. There are students seated at the desks. 9-VOLT is sitting at his desk with his head in his hands. He sighs despondently.)

9-Volt-Math class again? Come on.

Shaggy-(offscreen) You look less than pleased.

9-Volt-Yeah 'cause math is the worst! Wait, who said that?

(SHAGGY jumps out of his shirt pocket.)

Shaggy-Uh, me.

9-Volt-Shaggy! Wh-what? Wh-why?! (whispering) We've been over this a million times. Pets aren't allowed at school.

Shaggy-Excuse me! I'm no pet. It's not as if you own me.

9-Volt-Hey, keep it down.

Shaggy-I'm worried, 9-Volt. Do you really hate math?

9-Volt-Uh, yeah. Kinda.

(SHAGGY begins looking through his textbook.)

Shaggy-Let's see here. 100 minus 56...

(9-VOLT groans.)

Shaggy-How about this?

(Ripple to a 16-bit knight facing off against a dragon on a natural background.)

Shaggy-(voice-only) A hero has a hundred HP and takes 56 damage from an enemy.

(The dragon breathes fire on the knight. A red "-56" appears over his face. The equation "100-56=" appears at the bottom of the screen.)

Shaggy-(voice-only) What's his remaining HP?

(Cut back to SHAGGY and 9-VOLT.)

9-Volt-Forty-four, right?

Shaggy-Exactly. Good work. Now let's try the next one.

(Cut to a 16-bit wizard facing off against the same dragon.)

Shaggy-(voice-only) A wizard casts 12 spells, and each deals 42 damage.

(The wizard begins shooting bolts of lightning out of her wand. Each one causes a red 42 to appear over the dragon.)

Shaggy-(voice-only) What's the total damage?

(Cut back to 9-VOLT.)

9-Volt-Five hundred and four!

Shaggy-Aha! See? You are good at math!

9-Volt-But that wasn't math. That was just video game stuff.

Shaggy-That's the idea! So just imagine math's a game. An RPG!

9-Volt-It's like...

(The classroom vanishes behind him, replaced by a red, yellow, and green swirl with 8-bit numbers flying around.)

9-Volt-Math is a war...

(He raises his pencil.)

9-Volt-And these problems are the battles!

Shaggy-Sort of.

9-Volt-Numbers are our enemies! Mortal enemies! They must be defeated! We need to fight!

(The background turns into a JRPG-style top-down map. 9-VOLT shrinks down until he fits on one of the roads. He is suddenly wearing a blue cape and holding a sword. SHAGGY drops onto his shoulder wearing a wizard hat.)

Shaggy-I worry about you sometimes, 9-Volt.

9-Volt-What is there to worry about? We're going on a math adventure!

(He marches forward. A dragon appears in front of him with the problem 99-58 written on its forehead.)


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