Episode 11: Wacky World (Part 2)

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Wario-(voice-only) Previously on WarioWare, Incorporated!

(Montage of clips from the previous episode. In WarioWare HQ:)

Wario-Well, everyone, it's the end of the year, and we have a ton of money saved up, so I have a little surprise for all of you.

(Everyone gasps.)

Wario-We're going to Wacky World!

(Outside HQ:)

Wario-Where are you two going?

Spitz-(through the phone) We're going to the airport.

Dribble-See you in two days, losers!

(WARIO's room at Atlantic City Resort:)

Wario-I can't believe she put me with the plebes after all the hard work she's done for me.

Mantis-I believe what 9-Volt said was, "Second floor supremacy, baby."

(In line for Buccaneers of the Mediterranean:)

Mona-What are you two doing?

(KAT and ANA stop.)

Ana-Seeing how many lines we can cut in without getting caught.

Wario-I'm not gonna have any subordinate cutting in front of me in line.

(He grabs KAT's hand and pulls her closer to him.)

Wario-We're going to go on this ride together.

(In line for Friendship with the Earth:)

Wario-Hey! Why isn't anyone helping me out?

Staff Member-Sorry, sir, but people in scooters will have to wait with everyone else.

Wario-I'm outta here!

(He starts turning the scooter around. He rides out of the queue. He parks the scooter by a wall and walks away.)

Staff-What the...

Wario-(voice-only) And now for the second half!

(Opening theme. Start in front of Backlot Studios. The whole gang is gathered together.)

5-Volt-Backlot Studios is the third theme park to open at Wacky World. It was built in direct response to Worldwide Studios building their own movie-themed park in this exact city.

Wario-So they ripped off other people's ideas for money? This is my kind of place!

Dribble-Wait a minute. What are we doing here? Spitz and I have already been on all the rides.

Spitz-We can go on the rides again.

Dribble-Spitz, you're a genius!

5-Volt-Everyone, it's time to take a trip into the movies.

Jimmy-See y'all later. I'm going on Rip-Roarin' Limousine.

(He enters the park.)

Mona-Really? I don't think I've seen him go on a single ride for this entire trip.

(Cut to UFO Whirl-Around. CRYGOR stands at the entrance with a very uncertain-looking MIKE and PENNY.)

Crygor-Come on! Don't you want to go on UFO Whirl-Around with me? It's the best ride in the entire park!

(MIKE and PENNY look over their shoulder at Roller Race Track, the roller coaster right behind them.)

Crygor-You two aren't thinking about going on Roller Race Track, are you? The line is long now, and it'll be long when you get off.

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