Episode 8B: The Spookiest Part of Town

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(Start in a very sleepy-looking neighborhood. DRIBBLE and SPITZ are driving down the street in their taxi looking bored.)

Dribble-Gee, where are all the customers today?

Spitz-This is the worst part of town to find customers in.

Dribble-What do you mean?

Spitz-Haven't you heard, Dribble? This is ghost country.

Dribble-Spitz, are you trying to scare me? You know there's no such things as ghosts.

Spitz-Anything is possible, buddy. Have you heard what the other cab drivers have said?

Dribble-You know what, lay it on me.

Spitz-I've heard that they pick up ghosts, drive them to their destination, and then the ghosts just vanish without paying the fare.

(DRIBBLE gasps.)

Dribble-No paying the fare?

Spitz-It's horrifying, isn't it?

Dribble-Well, if the customers aren't going to pay their fare, what are we even doing here?

Spitz-No one else volunteered, so I guess we're stuck here.

Dribble-That's just great. We're not going to make any cash today, are we?

Spitz-Not if we don't try hard enough. Dribble, we're going to find ourselves a customer!

Dribble-One customer? That's way less than we get on an average day.

Spitz-Remember, we're in ghost country. We gotta lower our expectations a bit.

Dribble-Or a lot.

Spitz-Hey, I'd be surprised if we even get one.

Dribble-Spitz, I have a question.

Spitz-I have an answer.

Dribble-If this is ghost country, does that mean we can't see our customers?

Spitz-Nah. We should be able to see them in...

(They keep driving into a section of the neighborhood with a bunch of ghosts in it doing things that ordinary people do: mowing their lawns, washing their cars, etc. DRIBBLE's jaw slowly drops.)

Dribble-So maybe this is ghost country.

Spitz-What did I tell you?

(They drive past two ghost kids playing in a driveway.)

Dribble-Does that mean all these people are dead?

Spitz-I wouldn't think about it too much. Now, which one of these ghosts says, "I need a ride" to you?


(They drive past a ghost man standing by his mailbox.)

Dribble-How about that guy?

Spitz-Yeah. How many people stand by their mailbox staring into space for fun? He definitely needs a ride.

(They pull up to the driveway. SPITZ rolls down his window.)

Spitz-Good morning, sir. Would you like a ride into town on this fine day?

Ghost-Sure! Thank you.

(He phases through the door into the back seat.)

Dribble-Hm, should we add a "no phasing through the door" rule?

Spitz-Dribble, for shame! We're not going to discriminate against our own customers.

WarioWare, Inc. (Season 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora