Episode 7B: Ketchup Pizza

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(Start in the kitchen at 9-VOLT's house. 9-VOLT, 5-VOLT, and 18-VOLT are standing around the island. There is an unbaked pizza crust in front of them.)

5-Volt-Alright. We have the dough made and rolled out. Now we just have to put the stuff on top of it. 9-Volt, do you mind getting the sauce?

9-Volt-Yes, Mom.

(He goes into the pantry.)

5-Volt-18-Volt, do you mind going into the fridge and getting the cheese?

18-Volt-Yes, Mrs. 5-Volt.

(He opens up the fridge.)

9-Volt-Man, I can't wait for the pizza party tonight.

5-Volt-I'm so glad we volunteered to make a pizza for everyone.

18-Volt-Where do you keep the cheese?

5-Volt-It's right here.

(She opens the top drawer of the fridge and takes out a bag labeled, "Shredded Mozzarella.")


(5-VOLT puts the bag of cheese on the island.)

9-Volt-Mom, which sauce do I need?

5-Volt-Um...tomato sauce. Why do you ask?

9-Volt-I don't see any tomato sauce in here.

5-Volt-No tomato sauce?

9-Volt-Nope. All I'm finding is soy sauce, hoisin sauce, fish sauce, (getting the pronunciation incorrect) wor-ces-ster-shire sauce.

(5-VOLT walks into the pantry.)

5-Volt-It must be with the canned tomato products.

(She looks over the cans on the shelf.)

5-Volt-Crushed tomatoes, diced tomatoes, tomato paste. We really are out of tomato sauce. I really should have put it on the shopping list after spaghetti night.

9-Volt-You think we can use tomato paste?

5-Volt-That wouldn't make for a delicious pizza.

18-Volt-Then what do we do now?

(5-VOLT sighs.)

5-Volt-I guess we'll just have to call Mona and ask her to deliver an extra pie to make up for the one we won't bring.

9-Volt-No. I know how much this means to you, Mom. I'm not going to let you down. We are going to make this pizza no matter what it takes.

5-Volt-That's very sweet, 9-Volt--

(9-VOLT sticks his head back in the pantry.)

9-Volt-What else has tomatoes that we can use instead of tomato sauce?

5-Volt-If you really want to make this pizza, we can make a quick trip to the grocery store for some tomato sauce.

9-Volt-Found it!

5-Volt-Uh...what did you find?

(9-VOLT takes a bottle of ketchup out of the pantry.)

9-Volt-Ketchup! It's got tomatoes. It's sauce-like. What's not to love?

5-Volt-9-Volt, ketchup has sugar. No one's gonna want sugar in their pizza.

9-Volt-That's because they've never tasted my pizza with sugar.

(He opens the bottle of ketchup and begins squeezing it onto the pizza crust.)

9-Volt-Just imagine, the subtle sweetness of the ketchup combining with the pungent flavors of the mozzarella. It'll be a culinary creation the likes of which the world has never seen!

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