Episode 13B: Squirrel Mob!

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(Start at the park. PENNY and CRICKET are having a picnic.)

Penny-I'm just saying that she should have never made the accusation in the first place if she knew it wasn't true. She's ruined a young girl's dreams, and this controversy's going to follow the group for the rest of their career, and, like, they just debuted, so that's going to be a long time. Girl Idol at least had been performing for a couple of years before Jinsoo got the boot, so they already had a reputation. Les Cherubims is forever going to be known as the group that Hanye got kicked out of over bullying allegations that weren't even true. Do you see what I'm getting at?


(That's when a squirrel runs up to them.)

Cricket-Hey, little buddy. You want a snack?

Penny-Cricket, you know he can't eat people food.

(The squirrel picks up a fruit snack that was left on the ground.)

Penny-Hey! Give that back!

Cricket-It's not like we were going to eat it.

(The squirrel runs away with the fruit snack in hand.)

Penny-Where's it going?

(She begins following the squirrel. It scurries up a tree with a hole just too high for PENNY to reach.)

Penny-If that's how you're going to be...

(She takes off her hair clip. It unfolds into a stepstool. She stands on top of it and looks into the hole. Inside is a pile of snacks, candies, and nuts being guarded by a bunch of squirrels.)

Penny-What is going on in here?

(One of the squirrels runs up to the hole, grabs onto PENNY's face, and shoves her out. She falls onto the ground.)


Cricket-What happened to you?

Penny-You should see what the squirrels are doing in there. They're, like, hoarding snacks.

Cricket-They must be stocking up for the winter.

Penny-But it's summer.


Penny-And it was all people food. Even the nuts were salted, like they came out of someone's trail mix, and when they saw me, they shoved me out.


Penny-Ouch is right. I had no idea their little fingers were so sharp.

Cricket-What do you think is going on?

Penny-If I didn't know any better, I'd say they were plotting something. In fact, I might just look again.

(She gets up.)

Cricket-But didn't they push you the first time?

(PENNY gets back onto her stool.)

Cricket-You know what, I better look, too.

(He tries to shimmy his way onto whatever room is left on the stool. They look into the hole. There are two squirrels waiting for them, each one holding a nut in their hands.)

Cricket-What the...

(The squirrels throw their nuts at them. They jump off the stool.)

Penny-Well, at least they didn't scratch my face again.

Cricket-I never thought I'd be saying this, but those squirrels are up to something.

(Wipe to the street. PENNY is riding on her scooter while CRICKET rides on the back. CRICKET looks over his shoulder and sees a squirrel following close behind.)

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