Episode 1A: Tales of the Hardware Store

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(Start in headquarters. Everyone is doing their own thing when all of a sudden, bzzt bzzt! The lightbulb on the ceiling goes out. Everyone looks up.)


Wario-Bah! Not again! Someone get the lightbulb from the closet or something.

(CRICKET stands up.)

Cricket-I'm on it.

(He enters the closet and looks around.)

Cricket-Uh, Mr. Wario, I can't find any lightbulbs.

Wario-No lightbulbs?

5-Volt-Yes, Wario. Remember when the last lightbulb went out and you said we could get the one from the closet?

Wario-Ah. Well, we can't just work in the dark.

(He stands up.)

Wario-Up and at 'em, team. We're going on a field trip.

(Establishing shot of Big Bolts Hardware Store. Cut to inside the hardware store. Pan across the inside of the store, showing the rows upon rows of high shelves.)

Wario-Ah, the hardware store! There's gotta be some lightbulbs in here somewhere.

(Shot of the group [except ASHLEY and MANTIS] standing at the store's entrance.)

Wario-Now, where's the bathroom?

(He waddles off.)

5-Volt-O...kay. I guess I'm in charge of this trip now.

Spitz-So how are we getting kicked out this time, all at once or one at a time?

5-Volt-We are not getting kicked out! How could that possibly happen?

Dribble-The last time we all came to the hardware store like this, a certain pair of ninjas began climbing on the shelves, and the rest of us got kicked out trying to rescue them.

Ana-We did not need rescuing!

Kat-Yeah! We could have gotten down whenever we wanted!

5-Volt-Well, the rest of you can do what you want. I'll go get the lightbulbs.


(They begin going their separate ways. 5-VOLT grabs 9-VOLT's hand.)

5-Volt-Except for you, 9-Volt. I'm not letting you out of my sight.


(Cut to one of the aisles. There are some of those rolling orange stairs right by one of the shelves. KAT and ANA walk up to them.)

Ana-Are you sure about this, Kat?

Kat-Of course I am. Whoever gets yelled at first loses.

(ANA grumbles.)


Red-(offscreen) Excuse me.

(KAT and ANA turn around to find RED behind them.)

Red-Do you mind if I come with you? I think Ashley decided to stay behind.

WarioWare, Inc. (Season 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora