Episode 4B: Phone Home

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(Start in WarioWare HQ. Everyone is standing around CRICKET as he writes on a piece of paper. Everyone cheers.)

Jimmy-You did it!

Wario-Now that you have a phone number, you can put it on the "Everyone's Numbers" list.

Cricket-Thanks, but it's no big deal. It's just a phone number.

Mona-Cricket, it's not just a phone number. Putting your number on the list means you're really part of the company. Now we can call you and text you in the WarioWare group chat.

Wario-What WarioWare group chat?

Mona-Oh! Remind me later to tell you about the idea I just came up with.

Jimmy-Everyone's number is on the list. Now that yours is there, you're finally part of the group.

Kat-Not everyone's. We have to use our mom's number.

9-Volt-And mine's just the number for my pager.

Ashley-I don't, either. I don't have a cell phone.

(Everyone looks at her.)

Ashley-What, does that make me some sort of pariah?

Mona-No. It's just...unexpected. You're 15, aren't you?


Mona-Most 15-year-old girls have a cell phone.


Mona-So what do you use to call people?

Ashley-I have a rotary phone at home. I'm not a heathen.

Mona-Those are over 100 years old. What if people want to call you, and you're out of the house?

Ashley-They'll just have to be sad.

Mona-I'm not going to let that slide. Ashley, we're going to get you a cell phone!

(Cut to the cell phone store. MONA swings the door open while holding ASHLEY by the hand.)

Mona-Welcome to the Horizon store! They're one of the biggest cell service carriers in the country!

(ASHLEY looks across the displays of phones, tablets, and laptops lining the walls.)

Mona-You can look at the phones while I find a customer service agent to help us.

(ASHLEY lets go of her hand and walks over to the phone display. She picks up the first display phone.)

Ashley-This is a phone?

(MONA follows her.)

Mona-Yes, it is. Have you not seen any of us use our phones?

Ashley-Where are the buttons?

Mona-Cell phone manufacturers have started cutting back on buttons. Saves them money, I think. Instead, you do this.

(She presses the button on the side of the phone. The screen lights up. ASHLEY blocks her eyes.)

Ashley-Why is it so bright?

Mona-I'm sure we can turn down the brightness. Just as soon as...

(She reads the screen. It says, "Welcome to myPhone! Swipe up to begin." MONA swipes up. The home screen shows the app icons over a background of a beach.)

Mona-I at least got the white background to go away. Now, where are the brightness settings?

Ashley-Who cares about brightness? Does it make phone calls?

Mona-Of course it does, silly! You press this icon here.

(She touches the phone icon. It pulls up a keypad, which is also on a white background. ASHLEY shields her eyes.)

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