Episode 5B: The Spill

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(Start in WarioWare HQ early in the morning. The place is empty. We can hear the clacking of a key being put in the lock. The door opens. WARIO enters while humming to himself.)

Wario-(singing) Grab a hot slice and take a big bite! It's so good that you'll start a fight, For more Mona Pizza!

(He keeps humming as he makes his way to his desk. He sees a big yellow spill on top.)


(Close-up of the spill.)

Wario-What is that doing here?!

(He picks up some papers that have absorbed some of the liquid.)

Wario-My papers! Now I'll have to restart this entire manga. Let's see if my computer's still working.

(He clicks the mouse of his computer. Nothing happens.)

Wario-Grr. Those bozos better get here quick. They have some explaining to do.

(Cut to later that morning. Everyone is gathered around WARIO's desk looking down at the spill.)

Wario-Alright, who spilled this?

(Everyone looks at each other.)

Jimmy-I dunno.

9-Volt-I can't even tell what that is.

Crygor-It's on your desk, so it's probable that you spilled it.

Wario-What?! It can't be me! If I had spilled anything over all my stuff like this, I would remember. Besides, how do I know you're not trying to pass the blame onto me?

Crygor-Pass the blame? Are you insinuating I did it?

Wario-Well, you're old, and the stuff is yellow.

Crygor-Just because I'm old doesn't mean that I'm incontinent!

Mona-Yeah. It's likely that it's just someone's drink.

Spitz-But how are we supposed to figure out what it is? Is anyone gutsy enough to touch it or even smell it?

Mona-Yes, I am.

(Everyone gasps. MONA draws a finger through the middle of the spill. She sniffs the liquid.)

Mona-I smell...fruit.

(Everyone sighs in relief. MONA reels back.)

Mona-And it's expired fruit! It definitely smells like it's been out overnight.

5-Volt-Here, I'll clean it up. I don't want it smelling up the place. Does anyone have any towels?

Wario-There are paper towels in the bathroom.

5-Volt-Eh, they'll have to do.

(She exits into the bathroom.)

Crygor-So judging from Mona's smell test, it's safe to say this spill was a drink that was spilled onto Wario's desk last night. Now, who could have possibly spilled it (leans into WARIO's face) if it wasn't Wario himself?

Wario-Why are you getting so close?! I told you, I didn't spill anything!

Crygor-And you don't remember seeing anything being spilled onto your desk before closing time?

Wario-No! I was looking inside the building when I closed and locked the door after everyone else had left. The only way this spill could have gotten onto my stuff is if someone snuck into the building overnight and poured their drink onto my computer. It was sabotage!

(Dun dun dun!)

Crygor-Wario, are you sure we should jump to such wild conclusions?

Wario-Doc, I'm not sure you understand. My computer isn't turning on.

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