Episode 3B: WaluigiWare

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(Start in WarioWare HQ. Everyone is there except for WARIO.)

Dribble-Where's Wario? It's been ten minutes, and he still hasn't shown up.

Kat-He's not usually this late.

Jimmy-Yeah. He's usually only five minutes late.

Mona-If he wasn't going to be here, he'd call me, right?

(She checks her phone.)

Mona-Well, he did, but it was while I was on my way here. He left a voicemail, though.

(She clicks the voicemail. WARIO's voice comes through her phone.)

Wario-(voice-only) Hey, Mona. It's me. WAH-rio. Tell everyone I've decided to take a day off. Making games is hard. I need a break.

Mona-Day off? He's never given us the day off.

Wario-I know you're worried about what you're going to do without your glorious leader in charge, but don't. I've decided to put Waluigi in charge.

Mona-Oh no.

Spitz-Who's Waluigi?

Wario-I hope you have fun, and no trashing headquarters while I'm gone, okay? Okay. Bye.



Mona-Waluigi is Wario's brother.

Others-Wario has a brother?!

Mona-Yep, and he's somehow...

(WALUIGI bursts through the door.)

Waluigi-What is up, WaluigiWare?!


(Everyone turns and looks at him.)

Waluigi-What's with the looks? You act like you've never seen me before.

9-Volt-Well, we didn't know you existed until five seconds before.

Waluigi-You mean to tell me he didn't tell you about his wonderful kid brother?

(He walks past everyone to WARIO's seat.)

Waluigi-So this is Wario's seat. It's pretty comfy.

Mona-Yeah. Wonderful.

(Everyone is still looking at WALUIGI.)

Waluigi-What are you all looking at? Start making games!

(One by one, they each get back to their own business. WALUIGI leans in towards WARIO's computer.)

Waluigi-Now, how do you work this thing?

Mona-You'll just have to figure it out yourself. I'm your cousin, not your mom.

Jimmy-Hold up. He's your cousin?


Dribble-Then that means Wario's your cousin, too.

Mona-How did you think I knew him?

9-Volt-It's just that he's so much older than you.

Mona-Technically, we're first cousins once removed--

Waluigi-Why are you all still talking? GET BACK TO WORK!

(Shocked, everyone gets back to work. MONA leans back in her chair.)

Mona-I can't believe that 1) Wario decided to take the day off when he won't give us any, and 2) He put you in charge instead of, say, someone who actually has experience with programming.

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