Episode 7A: There Is No WarioWare, Only Ashley

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(Start on the first floor of WarioWare HQ. Everyone is busy getting the place cleaned up except for ASHLEY, who is standing by a cauldron full of glowing green liquid holding RED in her hand.)

Ashley-And then I recited the incantation.

Red-But did you get all the words correct?

Ashley-The words! I really need to memorize these spells before I recite them.

(She takes her spellbook off her desk and opens it up, still holding RED in her other.)

Ashley-"Auto Duplicatus." Wait a minute. Duplicat...ugh!

(She throws RED against the wall. He gets stuck to it.)

Red-You know, Ashley, I don't thing using the "rubber duck" method is supposed to involve throwing said rubber duck against a wall.

Ashley-But I figured out the problem.

(RED pushes himself off the wall.)

Red-What is it?

Ashley-I think I might have pronounced it "Dupli-CATE-us" instead of "Dupli-CAT-us" by mistake.

Red-Aw, man. Maybe we should take a few minutes perfecting the pronunciation of that word. Repeat after me: dupli-cat-us.


Red-See? Now you're getting it!

(WARIO walks up to her with a vacuum in one hand and a duster in the other.)

Wario-What are you two doing? We're supposed to be preparing the place for the health inspector! He's supposed to be here any minute now!

Red-Sorry, Wario. We were just troubleshooting this spell Ashley's learning. We're trying to see if we can make a clone of her.

Wario-WHAT?! I mean, you two can get to that later. Right now, this building needs to be in tip-top shape!

Red-Yes, Wario!

(He turns into a broom.)

Wario-A broom?

(He picks up the broom.)

Wario-This room has carpet floors, boy! We don't use brooms.

(RED changes back.)

Red-Then what do you need?

Wario-I'd tell you to turn into a vacuum, but Cricket and I already have that covered. How about you two magically exterminate the rats in the bathroom, would ya?

Red-(suddenly terrified) There are rats in the bathroom?

Ashley-Yeah. They're actually pretty nice. Come with me.

(She takes RED by the tail and starts carrying him to the bathroom. Cut to the bathroom. ASHLEY enters dragging in a struggling RED. A bunch of rats come scurrying in from holes on the walls.)

Ashley-Sorry, boys. The health inspector's coming over.

(The rats begin squeaking sadly.)

Ashley-I know. It's horrible. Wario told me to exterminate you, but I'll just teleport you into the building next door. It'll be their problem, and Wario will never have to know. Red, wand.

(RED gulps before turning into a wand. ASHLEY points her wand at each of the rats and makes them disappear with a green beam. As she does, she mumbles to herself.)

Ashley-Auto duplicatus.

(A red beam shoots out of her wand instead and bounces off the mirror. She looks out the door as the beam gets bounced into the main room. Then she looks down at her wand.)

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