Episode 10: Wacky World (Part 1)

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(Start on the first floor of headquarters. Everyone is looking at WARIO, who is standing on top of his seat. The words "Six Months Earlier..." appear at the bottom of the screen.)

Wario-Well, everyone, it's the end of the year, and we have a ton of money saved up, so I have a little surprise for all of you.

(Everyone gasps.)

Wario-We're...going on vacation!

(Everyone sighs.)

Wario-Why all the long faces? Don't you want a vacation?

Mona-I think we were all hoping for bonuses.

Wario-Oh. Right. Bonuses. You can get those after the vacation.

9-Volt-Come on, guys. Let's look at the bright side of this. Where are we going on vacation?

Wario-We're going to Wacky World!

(Everyone gasps.)

Wario-That's right. For our summer vacation, we're going to the biggest, funnest, most professionally run theme park in the world!

Dribble-Professionally run?

Wario-Yeah. I want to take notes for when I ultimately make Wario Park 2. Luckily for all of you, 5-Volt is a member of the Wacky Vacation Club. Not only was she able to book our park and hotel reservations, she was able to save us a ton of money! Everyone, please thank 5-Volt, vacation planner extraordinaire!

Others-Thanks, 5-Volt!

5-Volt-It was nothing, guys. I'm more than happy to show you all the magic of Wacky World.

Wario-Everyone, start preparing for the vacation of a lifetime!

(Opening theme. Fade to outside HQ. The sun is barely rising. The Wario Bus is parked out front. The word "Today..." appears at the bottom of the screen. Everyone is gathered outside except for DRIBBLE and SPITZ. WARIO is on the phone.)

Wario-Where are you two going?

Spitz-(through the phone) We're going to the airport.

Wario-The airport? We're not going to the airport! We couldn't afford plane tickets. That's why we're taking the Wario Bus!

Spitz-That's why we bought our own!

Dribble-See you in two days, losers!

(WARIO grumbles and hangs up.)

Wario-Two days, my nose. Is the trip really two days?

5-Volt-(on her phone) I mean, the total drive time for the trip is nine hours and 31 minutes. Figure in meals and rest stops, and we're looking at an 11-hour drive, maybe 12.


5-Volt-That's why we're getting up so early.

Wario-You really want me to get on the road for twelve hours?

5-Volt-We could add a hotel stay and make it two days.

(WARIO sighs.)

Wario-We can do it in one.

5-Volt-Great! Everyone, load your luggage in the Wario Bus. It's time to go on vacation!

(Cut to the Atlantic City Resort, a resort in Wacky World that takes a ton of design cues from Disney's BoardWalk Resort. [In case you haven't figured it out, we're going to copyright-friendly Disney World.] It is evening now. The Wario Bus pulls up to the front. People start getting out.)

5-Volt-Here we are, the Atlantic City Resort in Wacky World!

9-Volt-When are we going to go on the rides?

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