Chapter 9 - Screaming Bloody Murder

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Verena's PoV

I was walking through the knights' quarters to gather some old things when I came across a couple of knights that used to serve under me. I wonder what's the point of standing in front of the door like this.

"I need to go inside and gather my things."

Once again, my access was denied. What's the problem? I told the emperor's butler that I needed to be here. So why are the knights denied my access?

"You're not allowed to be in this building anymore, dame Verena. Or should I drop the dame and call you Verena? I mean, you're no longer a knight, right?"

The knights chuckled.

"She is a knight, thought- that protects the second empress. Who would have thought the proud and powerful Verena Faye would end up serving a vicious master like the second empress? Hah!"

The knights continue to ridicule me. But that's okay- I'm used to it by now.

"I can't believe we used to have a woman as our commander. The emperor must have lost his wits when he employs this bitch as our commander. Women should stay at home, cooking, taking care of their kids, and making sure we're happy in bed. Why would you be swinging your sword, acting as if you're doing something for the country? That's just pathetic!"

How dare this man insult the emperor! From the crest he's wearing, he must be one of the dukes' people. I am not a toy, not anyone's plaything. This man- I can't remember his name- is being delusional.

"Let me guess; you're married to a lovely and poise wife. If that's how you view women, God bless your wife for having a dog as her husband. No- even a dog is a better husband if trained correctly. You, sir, are a lost cause."

The man suddenly grabbed my collar.

"It's nice that you dare to grab my collar like that. I thought a dog would wag its tail and follow whatever their master told them to do. I guess you're a human, after all."

The man was about to hit me when I hit him first. I watched as the man slumped on the ground, unconscious.

"So, do you wish to add more to his insult?"

The other knight shakes his head no.

"Then step away from the door. I have to gather my things."

The knight did as told as he opened the door for me to enter. I smiled at the person standing at the other side of the door.

"You must be the new imperial knight commander."

I know this young man. If I remember correctly, he's from an influential count's family. He has always been nicknamed a genius sworders. The aura he has is no joke.

"It's an honor to stand before a living legend. Dame Verena, I would like to extend my gratitude for protecting the empire until the end. It's a pity that you have to step down as the commander. I wish I could serve under your wings privately."

The new commander looks at the situation behind me.

"The emperor's butler told me you wish to gather your things from your old barrack. I'm sorry that you have to face this trivial matter. I'll reprimand the knights for disrespecting you, dame Verena."

I smiled.

"The future is bright with you leading the Imperia knights."

I bid my goodbyes and went to my old barrack. There's so much memory here that I couldn't forget. There are good and bad ones, of course, but that's life. After gathering up my things from my wardrobe, I got out to the carriage that the second empress provided.

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