Chapter 7 - Scheming Woman

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Verena's PoV

My master seems to be dealing with a lot of things. I began to see the reason why the emperor didn't just abandon me after the mistake I made. The emperor did say to protect my new master with any necessary measures if I have to. But I didn't realize that even her family wished for her demise. I feel sorry that this beautiful woman doesn't seem able to choose her happiness.

"Verena! Look-"

I smiled at the first princess, who summoned a tiny fire sprite.

"I manage to summon a fire spirit! Does it mean I can use magic like you?"

I nodded before touching the first princess's hand.

"Yes, your highness. The second empress will be pleased to know that you have the affinity to use magic."

"What's this about using magic?"

The first princess ran towards her mother while I bowed to the second empress.

"We were just practicing magic. I hope Her Highness doesn't mind. The princess saw me using magic when I was practicing earlier, and she wants me to teach her how to summon hers."

The second empress hummed.

"Then, what's the result?"

"A small fire sprite was summoned."

The second empress doesn't seem to mind as she congratulates the princess.

"Does that mean my Clementine wants to learn magic? But will you be able to do it all? I mean, you have such a busy schedule already."

The princess begged her mother to let her study magic.

"Your Highness, if you don't mind me saying this, it's better for the princess to learn now and hone her skills. Since we have confirmed that she can use magic, it's best to train her now."

I winked at the first princess.

"I see- well, since you're more experienced in this than I am, I'll have to inform the emperor. I'm sure that man will agree to let her study magic. Come to think of it; the other imperial children have never shown signs that they could use magic, right? Only selected royals can use them- that includes Louie. I can't believe the first princess could summon a sprite at such a tender age."

I watched as the second empress hugged her daughter. The rumors all say that the second empress hates her daughter, but I don't see how that's even possible.

"Dame Verena, any words from the guild master?"

I shook my head no and said,

"No, your highness. Do you want me to meet the guild master?"

The second empress shakes her head no.

"I want that man to come to me himself. But if he decided to ignore my warning, let's wait and see what would unfold. What about the saintess? Was there anything weird about her?"

I shake my head no yet again.

"The saintess continues to act like her usual self."

The second empress hummed.

"That's what I thought."

The second empress lets go of the princess and waits until she is far enough.

"But you do have a secret mission. Are you aware of Bergamot's notorious black market organization?"

I nodded.

"I need you to meet its leader. There is something that I need the organization to do for me. But make sure that my identity is unknown. Can you do that?"

Regina (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now