Chapter 27

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Aarav Singhania I am coming downstairs...

I step down in my long floral black anarkali suit...
He was sitting in table with his phone and a sandwich in his hand..
He wored his navy blue suit...that goes well with his face and body complexion...
I saw him having a smirk in his face while looking at his phone...
Actually I am pretty sure what he is seeing that's making him smile ...
He didn't noticed my presence and he was all enjoying that video clip ...
I also thought to play a prank as I know that he is going to tease me a lot after that video...
I silently sneaked at side of him...
And put my face near his ears..
I bend down to match my height with his face and was waiting silently for his reaction and then I will scream will be fun to see him scared..
He wass all busy enjoying the video that he didn't even noticed a bit that I was just inches apart from him..
I was all set and waiting for the video to end ..
After waiting for few seconds I finally decided that this was the moment I sacre him...
He was scrolling over the comments and then I whispered at his ears..

Woah...making a very scaring sound I roared in his ear..

I was expecting him to get scared and jump over his place but when have my expectations from him came true..
He just slightly tilt his heads to my side..
And here we are not even inches apart now ..
Our nose were on tip to tip touching eachother's..
We both went still and the way we were looking at eachother made my body feel goosebumps or something like that ..
It was all still and just an eye to eye contact...
I was feeling something very strange and the way we didn't step back but we lost in somewhere mid way..
He wasn't saying a word and was just continuously staring at my face..
I was also all still and was only looking at him with my all two eyes...

Am I that handsome...he whispered..

It took me some more moments to realise what he just said...and as soon as I realised it I step back..

You and handsome are two antonyms okay!..I replied rolling my eyes at his antics..

By the way what were you trying to do?..he asked twitching his eyebrows in a weird manner...

What...I was just trying to scare you..

And why were you doing that?

Just to see how you jump here and there when you get scared?

Oh did I just ruin your expectations?
He said mimicking me ...and that wasn't funny..

When did you fulfil my expectations?
Huh...I flapped my hairs and got a seat in front of him..

So”..he was gonna say something but I interrupted..

What was that video clip...

Oh you already saw that..


I don't know who did it but whoever did it he or she is very romantic and creative...I loved the video..

You loved the video...

Do I have to love something else to..
He was very quick to answer this..

I am telling you..

Tell me as soon as you can ...he again replied with his puppy eyes and make fun of me..

Don't get on my nerves otherwise You see this fork...I will just throw it at your face and it will ruin all your beauty that you are flaunting all day..
I pointed towards the fork that was kept in my plates..

Okay sorry madam...

I just rolled my eyes at his reply..

My friend is coming today...and she'll be staying here for some days..

Are you telling me or asking me..
He said sulking...

Telling you...
I also said with straight face...he thinks I will get his permission dream on..

Then why are you doing it...just let me meet her when she is here ...he said in a rude n sarcastic manner...'ll love to meet her...I said making a smirk on my face..

Do I know her...he asked confused..

Yeah...that too very closely...I said leaning towards him..

Who is it...he whispered leaning towards me obviously to mock me..

Iftiya...I replied stepping back as I was getting irritated..

WTF...he shouted as soon as he heard her name...TBH I expected this reaction..

Mind you language... otherwise..I gave a killing gaze to him and he went all blank..

He made a pale face and sat suddenly on chair..

Am I really gonna face that nuisance again!?..

Shut your Ankit is so nice! I said sarcastically ..

He is far better than that chipakali (lizard)..

Huh...Ankit is a dinosaur then...

No...he is not ...he is my puppy get it...he said pointing fingers towards me ...

Then my bestfriend too is my little get it ..I also said competing with his tone..

Why are you bringing him up...when the sensational topic is your Iftiya ..
He asked mimicking Iftiya's name..

Yeah...that's a point why am I even comparing them...but honestly when Aarav will get to know about Ankit and Iftiya it will fun to watch this irked cats reaction...I smiled thinking in my mind...

Discussion over...she is coming to stay here that's it..

Then he made a very ugly pig like face that didn't matter to me anyway...

He started walking outside and then again I stopped him ...

Hey...I said...

What now...he said getting irritated and I love doing it.

I want half day today...I said shirking my shoulders...

Sure why not .... something else my queen...he said getting all burned up and irritated...

No...not now dear servant...wait until my next command...I said making fake exspression...

He glared at me and then flipped back..

Hey listen..I again shouted..

What now my queen..

We will talk about that video other time...okay...I said with a low face and straight face..

You'll definitely not forget it ...he said with a smirk..

What did you said...I shouted but in vein he went outside in garden with a smirk..

There was a very calm and sweet smile at my face...
I really enjoy making him angry and irritated...
Suddenly a thought came to my mind and all my smile vanished..
Am I being the old version of me with him!?..
Am I changing again...
What happened to me all of sudden...
Why was I enjoying this conversation so much with him...
Why...let's leave it...diya..
You can also tease him sometimes right?..I asked myself...

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