Chapter 23

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Here is the next chap!!! Enjoy reading it...

Diya's POV:-

It was nice....the feeling I was getting after that auto ride was something I can't explain...
It's not that I haven't travelled in auto before but riding with him at my side feels so different I clutched my chain.

Stop your imagination diya...
To be honest there wasn't even little difference between this and old ones ride....they all felt same..
That breeze of  cold air going through my face...making my hairs fly on whole auto and specially to the face of person sitting beside me...
The difference is that at that time there were middle age grumpy fatty women's ...who got irritated with my hairs and I can't help laughing at their reaction that they made towards me and I love teasing them more so I don't even tie my hair...
And this time he was sitting beside me enjoying my hairs on his face...
How kind of irritating  person he is...
He don't even got irritated with my hairs he was just smiling like a crazy dog who make smily face whenever gets funny not romantic .

Let me tell you all something....
I am very very lucky person ..... precisely when I am talking to him....  I have noticed that whenever we have any kind of conversation I always get so savage replies rolling down my tongue....I mean I also don't believe that how I get so rude and savage replies to shut his mouth and this is the only matter I am lucky with.

As we reached home.. I went to my room and jumped to my bed and started imagining all these things in my heads and most of them are just fake scenarios...

After being freshen up it was around 9:30 pm and I was really hungry...
I only have breakfast for whole day...I don't know how I am still alive...I mean when I was in Delhi I used to eat a lot my mouth always have something in it but since I arrived here I only get one time meal..

I pat my stomach as I was getting down the stairs to find something to eat and to my surprise....
He was in his normal night dress that was a loose pant with a half t-shirt that was definitely looking good on him..looking like male lead hero.. cooking in his kitchen for his love ..
His messy hair coming in front of his eyes while he was making something delicious...aroma of the food alredy passes my nostrils...It was a very mesmerising moment seeing him with this look...he pushed his hair back...drop of sweat going through his neck while he was gently stirring the soup....Oh my...shittyyyyy imagination...
He was sitting in dining table while tapping his phone from one hand and drinking juice from another...
Is he an animal who can live for many days without getting anything to eat...
I literally don't believe that he isn't hungry even a bit after just a having a light breakfast...
I reached to him making as disgusting face I could make for him and slipped to the chair that was beside him..

Should I ask him for food...or should I ask him whether he is hungry or not..
No..this will show that I am hungry and...

Aren't you hungry..!? He asked making a constant gaze at his phone.. am not dying but yes I will eat a bit if available...
I replied as I don't care much but deep inside I was dying from stomachache..

Ok..then let's make we? He asked looking towards me ...

Me...I asked pointing on my own self..

Yeah..who else is there..

But I don't know anything to make except poha...!..I said looking here and there avoiding his eye contacts and looks he gave me.

Seriously..!Well then that's good..
He replied with a smile..

That means you know how to cook right!? I asked genuinely...

No.. because I also don't know to cook anything and now we both will sit pressing our stomach from hunger...he said with a smirk on his face..

I instantly throw down my hands from my stomach and give a damn rude smile...

Let's make Maggie! He asked after a minute of silence...

Do you have it! I asked I love Maggie the most...You can say that when I had nothing it helped me a lot.

We both went to the kitchen as I was following his steps just behind him..

He stopped and I got bumped into him...
He turned back and just passed a smile...
And my reaction was like is he fucking sick or something...

He started making Maggie and I was just beside him standing and watching Maggie's fun..

He turned to my side to get salt ...I turned to another....then he turned to that side to get onion and then I turned to another.....we were like playing game of coming back and forth...I was getting all here and there shifting my side again and again ...
When he clutched my arm...

It was a warm feeling that I got and that's too because his hands were hot because of boiling of Maggie nothing else....I honestly didn't feel anything..

Will you stop buzzing here and there again and again!. He said making a bad face...

But...he didn't let me complete...

Just go and sit at table...ones its done I will get it to you...go now!

I put my eyes to my feet and went outside of kitchen...
Who is he to order me “go now” What does he seem of order me..
I am sparing him just because he is making Maggie for me...what if I fight with me and then he won't give Maggie to me....I will be in lose then..
So it's better to shut my mouth and wait for Maggie...don't know wheather it's edible or not...hmm..

While sitting at table I again recalled
The moment he clutched my arm...
It would be good if I have felt something but I didn't...I am so numb that I feel nothing now...
No one can melt this ice on my heart now....And I actually don't feel anything for him now...he don't make me feel anything..

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