Chapter 1

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I suddenly woke up from sleep finding out it was the same dream.......
I grabbed my watch which was kept on side table.


Oh god!! It's 7 AM already , Oh no diya don't tell me you forget that there is hearing in court at 9 AM.
I stepped out of my bed or say my only comfort zone going to be freshen up.
As usual today also I will just get slice of bread with jam to eat as I am almost running late ,
I muttered to myself. I have picked up my phone , watch , purse, case files , documents and yesss car keys....
After one hour of driving I finally reached to my firm ..

I entered from main gate and straightly went to heads cabin.

"Sorry sir extremely sorry , my alarm went off so I am late pls sir forgive me ..."

"It's ok Diya , calm down..." He stated in a calm tone

Impossible this man ..
my senior MR Shyam or say MR khadoos is not scolding me for being late instead he is saying me to calm down its ....I got interrupted...

"Our hearing is re-scheduled to 12 o clock so get more prepared for it and I know that you will win but still you need to..."

I just nodded .
So , That is why he didn't uttered a single word for me being late..

Anyways it's still for my own good.

I walked out of his office and went straight in to my cabin, I put my bag in table and seated in a coach side by window feeling the fresh air that passes by it..

I suddenly felt knock on my cabins door I move forward to open it and
As soon I clutched the door I saw Anita was standing there and she quickly notified me that it's time for hearing and I instantly got up from my trance .
"Oh Thanks Anita I didn't notice when I slept ...." I replied instantly
"It's ok now go hurry up !" Anita replied.
I picked my bag and phone then walked out of my cabin.


"Congratulations ma'am , " Anita said .. as after spending one and a half hour standing in court I won the judgement .

Thanks a lot Ankita ! I replied with a smile.
"Ok I'll go and inform shyam sir about this !" I said and waved her hand

It's 2:30 and I haven't eaten anything my stomach is really gurgling up for food..
As I walked in MR Shyam sirs cabin for submitting the final judgements of case .
"Sir I won the case and these are some documents related to it ....."
I forwarded the documents

"Leave it side Diya and listen to me very carefully , you need to leave for Mumbai day after tomorrow for a high professional case ...."
Shyam sir replied in a single sentence and I got hesitant a bit

"But sir ....."

"There is no but Diya , Anita will keep company to you and yes I have sent some files so go through it ."
Shyam sir ignored Me totally saying that.
I promise I'll kill this man one day .
I though in my mind .

"Sir but can you pls tell me the details of the case and who is against . So I'll just be prepared for something unusual.."
I asked being extra normal

"Nothing unusual just go back home and do your packing, you have a day off tomorrow and you will directly meet Anita at airport."

This man is really testing my patience and how rude he is ..

"Sighhh ....ok sir.."

My face was really burning up because of anger as after three days it was my birthday.
I generally don't celebrate it because I honestly don't like birthdays but this time even if I want I can't..

I closed the door of his office with a large force and making a noise ofcourse how can he ignore this.
I collected my items from office and start driving straight to my home..

Is it really an important case or otherwise why will Shyam sir give one day off extra for going through the case...
Well we will see it .....

As I reached home I got freshen up and decided to pack because God knows what again will shock me today...
As I was done packing ,I decide to go through the files that Shyam sir had sent to me....

I opened my laptop and started scrolling through files . So it's a International Company case and that is why Shyam sir was so desperate but what so special about it ,, I have handled may of cases like this...huhhhh...
But My body felt a weird sensation when I saw the company's name "SINGHANIA ENTERPRISES "
It sounded very familiar to me as I have heard it before too.....
And then I get a thought from my mind .. diya you have definitely heard of it because it's a well furnished international company who is buzzing all around the world right now .
Oh yess isn't it the most famous and most profitable company in india .
I went through all details and then shut the laptop as I was tired .
I kept my phone on side and as I lied on my bed I heard my stomach gurgling up ..

Oh!!!I forget that I am very hungry and then I decided to make some
Poha for me as I am good at it only ....

In these two days I was eagerly waiting for the moment when I'll fly to Mumbai. In between I googled up a bit about the company but there were just some basic informations.
And two days passed and we were ready to go ..

As I reached airport I saw Anita waiting for me ...I waved my hand and said Hiii to her.
Then we both go through the boarding and it was almost time for us to take up our seats when I heard boarding announcing our names....

"Whatttt is it us .." I asked Anita being confused

Well it's not like we have some drugs or something..I joked to myself and after some time we got to know that we have been transferred from commercial plane to private one ..

And my mouth was literally open for ten seconds and after asking them we get to know that its from Singhania Enterprises for us to travel with comfort.

"Well they are really rich no...."
I asked Anita after we have seated peacefully and plane was taking off..

"Ofcourse they are ma'am Because the one we are handling this case is *Aarav Singhania *..."

I was waiting for her reply with a smile but when I heard that name my smile vanished.
Aarav Singhania this name made my eyes widened and fill tears in it ... can't be him right's not possible for him to be the same person ...
And my whole journey took place in some flashbacks which I have forgotten many years back and moved on.....

So this is where I am ending this Chapter , hope you all will like it and pls comment to tell if the writing was okay or not .
Make sure to tell me how you feel about the story..
Till then pls wait for next chapter,I will try my best to upload it as fast as I can..Lots of love for you all....

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