Chapter 4

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We seated and he start driving ...

We were almost half a day following Varun Nigam but didn't find even a single clue against him.

We were just waiting around his company in car at safe distance so he will not notice us.

Suddenly he stop his car aside and get off.

He came and said ..
"Get off"....
"Wha..t .. why ....why are we getting off..."

"Because we have been sitting in this car for a half day aren't your back is aching."

"Well.. Okay."

I tried to took off my seat belt and literally just like in dramas it got stucked....

OMG .. why the hell it is happening with me ... I was really embarrassed...

Why isn't it going up....... At this time I was really feeling very sucked as it was really my bad luck..
I suddenly felt a breathe near my face heart stopped beating for a moment.... I don't know what had happened to me... I literally wanted to push him but my hand didn't support me ...
His face was just inches away me ....his smoothness of lips I can just feel them by seeing from this close,.. his eyes were just pouring into mine and his cheeks were literally near my lips....

I felt a strange aroma when he came near ,, it was feeling really very strange......

"Oh , .. let me do it myself pls "I stammered as I was really nervous.

He back off....

"Don't you think you are really a bit strange Miss Malhotra" ....
He said with a small smirk....

"What ......what did you mean Mr Singhania"..

"Nothing just .. leave it . Come lets go for a near tea stall"..

"Oh really.... A great CEO like you will even drink tea in road side for stall"..I muttered to myself but I think it was loud enough for him to hear..

"Yess..... I am not someone who was born with golden spoon.... I have worked hard and achieved it...... And that is why I don't respect everyone  and do what I fit fine."

I really didn't expect him to say that...
I mean I have always watch in dramas that........ Main leads always....
He interrupted....

"You watch too much dramas Miss.. not every thing they show is real.....
There is huge difference between reel and real and you need to understand it" ...

"Ohhh"... He really is matured now talking like this was not his cup of tea....

"What "...!! What did you said Miss Malhotra....

"Uhmmm Nothing just blabbering to myself ,, you go on" ...

We completed our chai and then started walking towards our car....
It's raining......someone screamed

I don't know how but suddenly rain starts ... I was felting something strange as well as nice....
I liked rains but this time it felt special ....
I was all wet from up to down and he too... Because it was really heavy downpour suddenly if car was not near them we will be swept away....

I was really shivering and he too..
He turned on heater and said..
"Let's go ".....
"But we will miss him if we don't keep eye on him Mr..."

"No but your.... I mean our health is more important than this case".
"You are really hard to handle don't you "..
I sat quiet without saying a word as I knew he will punch me if I said one more word ....
I suddenly felt sleepy as it was long distance than why don't I get one sleep...

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