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2 hours in the damn store. Two hours!! and they can't decide what to take, whoever thought of bringing me, it wasn't true it was me who wanted to come.

Although seeing my little one in different types of clothes, it kind of lit up what we had left out.

"Mew, are you really sure you want me to go... I..."

"Tare enough already! I told you that you will go as my brother's best friend, not as my bodyguard", I said looking at my little boy who was with Boris and Thorn laughing.

I saw out of the corner of my eye how Tare blushed a little and looked at my brother, I knew he liked him too. Once he told me when he was drunk but let's say he told me but not straigh to the point, but I know he will never take that step because of his loyalty to me.

"Sir, young Gulf and young Thorn are ready with all their outfits that they just chose to show you" he said with a proud smile.

I smiled at that, I don't think I had told them about Boris, he is the other person I trust, Boris arrived after the attack occurred...of my dad... At that time he was 20 years old now he is already how much 40 or more I don't remember much, but it was like one more father and an older brother at that time.

He helped me a lot since I felt that I couldn't continue with all the situation at that moment, my drunk father, the work of the company and my father's work, but he was always there, he literally spent all his youth taking care of me and he really did. I will always be grateful, he has 2 really beautiful children, they are my nephews even though they are not by blood, my pride grows when I talk about them, they are two talented young men, he will always be my older brother and even a father to me.

"Well let's finish this", I say and Boris denies with a smile.

"Boris, don't make fun of me, I'm serious, I'm bored", I said making a pout.

"Why don't you say that to Young Gulf" he said raising an eyebrow.

"You are bad",Tare and Boris laughed.

"Thorn is going to do the first one", my little boy spoke excitedly.

"How many outfits have they chosen Boris", I asked whispering to him.

"I don't know, worry only 10 or 15 each", he said with a laugh.

"Boris!!", He raised his hands.

I saw how my brother went through each of his outfits wearing them, the truth is now looking at him well, he is obviously handsome, he is a Suppasit, one after one he stepped and he chose the one he liked the most out of 5 outfits.

"READY!!", He shouted excitedly.

"Finally," Tare said with a sigh.

My brother looked at him seriously and Tare invited him to continue.

"Well, these are 3, which one do you choose", he said excitedly.

"The first!", Boris said.

"The first!", I said the same.

"The second one?!", said Tare. "Noooo the first one", he said laughing.

"Fine but I'll still take all three", he said looking at his outfits.

"Seriously, so.....ahhhhhhh!!".

"Well let's go Tare we have to choose your clothes", he said pulling him.

"I'll go too", Boris spoke laughing.

"No Mew.....", me and Gulf laugh

"Okay," I said with a smile.

DANGEROUS LOVE 🔞✅(MEWGULF)Where stories live. Discover now