19. "I'm home"

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Boruto saw the gates if Konoha and his heart stopped. Would the people here forgive him? Would they accept him?

Boruto never cared for people's opinion when he was a kid but he's grown up, he's changed. Everyone, everything has changed.

And the reason of him getting anxious isn't just people's opinion or the way they would look at him when he would enter his home town.

The reson of him getting anxious is how would his mother, Hinata, react when she sees him? Would she understand why he did everything? Would she understand why he betrayed the village?

Would she?

"It's to be okay. " Sarada whispered as she put her hand on Boruto's shoulder. That made him a bit easy.

He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. "Thanks, ya know. "

"Oh c'mon, I am with you. Nothing's gonna happen to you. " Sarada said as she slapped Boruto's back lightly, cheering him up.

"I know that, Sarada. But mom's gonna kill me, ya know. " He chuckled. It wasn't the sweet chuckle that used to escape from his lips. It was, somewhat, a tired and sorrowful chuckle.

His heart now aches as he's starting to realize how he's hurt everyone. Sure he was saving everyone but the people, the people he loved, were hurt by his actions as well.

He now thinks if there was another way to stop Zaki and Akuma. The way in which no one was hurt. It's because of him that the leaf village and the people are safe. But what about the people he loved?

They are safe too but they're hurt.

"She'll be okay, I promise. " Sarada smiled with her eyes softening. That finally gave Boruto some courage. He sighed heavily and smiled at her.

"Boruto, Sarada! You both are being slow! Hurry up! " Boruto heard Chocho calling their name. He looked at them and they've already reached at the gates.

He looked at Sarada and grinned, this time it reached his eyes.


That was just as Boruto thought. He's been receiving looks from the time he entered Konoha.

Looks of disgust; what the hell is that traitor doing inside Konoha? He's going to kill another person. Looks of disappointment; I never even thought Lord Seventh's child will kill turn out to be a traitor. Looks of confusion; why is he back? Why has Lord Seventh brought him back?

Now, he was standing at the doorstep of his house. His hands were now sweaty and his breathing was heavy. He can receive whatever type of look from anyone but not his mother!

Receiving a look of disappointment from a parent is the last thing someone would ever wish for. Heck, it wouldn't be even in their wish list!

"Boruto, go on. " Naruto cheered him up. The Uzumaki grin was now replaced by a soft one. Boruto smiled back and nodded.

He forwarded his hand and put it on the the knob. His closed his eyes tightly, shoving off all the thoughts and turned the knob.

The first thing he saw was Hinata standing there with Sakura behind her. Sakura was smiling softly while Hinata had tears in her eyes.

They looked towards the door and Hinata took her steps backwards with her hand on her mouth and her tears escaping her eyes.

"Go little rockstar. " Naruto whispered and gave him a light push that made Boruto take some steps.

He didn't know what to do or what to say. He felt his eyes burning up with a sore feeling in his throat. He felt guilt as he realized that his mother is crying because of him.

"Mom, I-" Boruto was cut off by Hinata hugging him tight. This was the last thing he expected and the first thing he wanted to happen.

Tears finally escaped his eyes as he hugged his mother back.

Four years ago, he left his house normally. He did not care to say goodbye his mother in the morning and left to meet Mitsuki to eat hamburger with him.

On his way back home, he saw a windstorm. He and Mitsuki ran there only to find Sakura with her few months old baby in her hand while Sarada unconscious.

That was the day when everyone's life became hell. That was the day when everyone got separated. That was the day when their life took a huge turn.

That was the day when he saw his mother for the last time. Not after that. Not during he was behind the bars. He's seeing his mother after four years.

"I missed you, Boruto. " Hinata sobbed.

"I'm home... Mom. "

Hope you like this chapter.

Take care!

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