7. "What the hell is this? "

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"Sarada! I have something to tell you! ", Mitsuki shouted running towards Sarada making everyone gather there.

"Yeah? "

"My snakes! One of them found something. It's a girl who lives in a cave. My snakes smelt some other people as well but my snakes couldn't find them. ", Mitsuki explained.

"Perfect! Take us to the cave! ", Chocho said.

"Why does it feels like I know this girl? ", Sarada thought.

"I can't. That's the problem. The snakes are dead, I don't know where the cave is. "

"Curse it. ", Inojin cursed.

"We've got to find it. Do you have even minor information about it? ", Sarada asked.

"Well, there's a lot of fog in that area and the place is really cold. ", Mitsuki replied.

"Uh, that's not enough information. Keep sending more and more snakes there. We should know every single thing about that place. ", Kawaki ordered while Mitsuki left after a nod. Everyone else got back to packing their tents and the other goods.

"Sumire, how are you feeling now? ", Sarada asked.

"I've already told you that I'm fine. It's really nothing to worry about. ", Sumire replied politely.

"Are you sure? 'cause... as far as I know, it's really a bad injury. ", Sarada spoke worriedly which caught Kawaki's attention. though he didn't show it.

"Well... promise me to not to tell it to anyone. "

"Hmm? "

"It is really a bad one and it is hurting as well. But I can't make others worried. I'm using my chakra to walk. ", Sumire explained making Sarada's eyes go wide. Kawaki's as well.

"Sumire! You know that it's really dangerous, don't you? You'll be out of chakra before our final fight and things can go out of control! ", Sarada scolded in a whisper, to which no one heard, of course except Kawaki as he was near.

"I'll take the injection for that. It has some chakra in it. I kept it just in case something happens. ", Sumire replied with a smile.

"Girl, you've got to take care of yourself. "

"I'm sorry. It just... sort of happened. ", she smiled sheepishly making Sarada let out a sigh.

"I won't be telling it to anyone but you have to tell me if you feel pain or anything, alright? "

"Sure. "


"Where are we stopping for the night? ", Himawari asked as the young-adult ninjas traveled through the woods.

"It's a mountain next. ", Mitsuki replied. "It has a cave in it so we'll be staying in there. ", he added.

"How far is it? ", Sumire asked as she jumped on a tree. "Curse it! ", she whispered under her breath as her foot hurt.

"We'll be there till evening. "

"What about Iwabe and the others? Are they gonna join us? ", Shikadai questioned.

"No. I received a mail. It said that many ninjas, us, are already on a really dangerous mission so they won't be risking any more. ", Sarada answered.

Everyone continued their journey quietly while Kawaki kept his steps behind Sumire, just in case if she falls so he'll save her.

"Have you ever cared about anyone, except for your family and Sarada, like this? ", a voice asked from the back of Kawaki's head.

"No... ", he replied to the voice.

"Then why are you caring about Sumire this way? Do you feel something towards her? "

"No! She's just a comrade. No more, no less. "

"But you do feel something, something, towards her right? "

"I do. But I don't know what is it. "

"What if you love Sumire? ", the question turned Kawaki's face red. But no one noticed it as he was jumping behind everyone.

"What the hell?! You know that I like Sarada! "

"Or... are you just used to it? Used to thinking that you like her? Plus there's a huge difference between loving someone and liking someone. ", the question made him think... deeply. What if it's true?

"Oh, shut up! It's not true! ", Kawaki yelled out loud worrying everyone.

"Kawaki? Are you okay? ", Sumire asked making him cheeks go pink. He looked away and nodded.

"Yeah, sorry for that. ", he mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Are you sure, you're okay? ", Chocho asked with a smirk.

"You don't know! ", Kawaki yelled with wide eyes and red cheeks.

"Oh, it was just a guess. You made it clear. ", her smirk grew wider.

"When did they both started to have a bond? ", Shikadai asked Inojin who was busy staring at Himawari.

"Just shut up! Let's continue the jour- ", Kawaki was cut off by him falling in the bushes as his foot slipped making Chocho laugh hard while the others stayed confused.

"Kawaki being clumsy is funny, you know. ", Inojin whispered as he tried to suppress his laughter.

"Kawaki... you okay? ", Sumire asked as she jumped on the ground while others did the same. Chocho still laughing lightly.

"It hurts. ", Kawaki whispered to himself rubbing his head which had a bruise on it now.

"Oh no, show me! ", Sumire put her hand on his forehead. "You also look red. Maybe you're getting a fever. ", she added as she took out an injection.

"I'm perfectly alright! ", he yelled as he stood up. He started walking but slipped again due to something getting in his way. "Curse it. ", he whispered under his breath. He looked at his friends who were now laughing and felt embarrassed. He then looked at Sumire who was laughing as well. His eyes widened when he saw... observed that how pretty she was; sun beams surrounding her, her purple hair, a gorgeous smile and her laugh... just like a melody.

"What the hell is this? ", he thought.

"Let me put this on your forehead. ", Sumire chuckled with an ointment in her hand. Kawaki kept staring at her untill it was all done. "Kawaki? ", she asked dragging Kawaki out of his own world.

"Everyone. Kawaki slipped because of this. ", Sarada informed as she picked up a cloth from the ground. A black cloth.

"Is it a cloak? ", Himawari asked making Sarada's eyes go wide. She quickly examined the cloth properly and it was really a cloak, a black cloak.

"Is it... Boruto's? ", she thought.

"It seems like it. ", Kawaki spoke, getting up with the help of Sumire, making everyone look at him. "It seems like the cloak is Boruto's. ", he added clearing everyone's confusion.

"Mitsuki! ", Sarada ordered.

"Yes! ", Mitsuki nodded as he took out his snakes and made them smell the cloak. "Inform us as early as possible. ", he ordered his snakes and released them.

"We're coming... Boruto. ", Sarada thought looking at the sky as she tighten her grip on the cloak.

Hope you like this chapter.

Take care!

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