9. "Fear And Worry"

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The picture above, is of Zaki. Just imagine her height short.

"Sarada! ", Himawari called out while Sarada rushed to her along with Kawaki.

"What happened? "

"I found this syringe here. ", she showed the syringe with a small amount of chakra flowing inside it. "Can it lead us to Sumire? ", she asked.

"Maybe... ", Sarada examined the syringe properly. "Even if Mitsuki's snakes will smell it, it will be of no use; they can't lead us to that cave. ", she sighed and put the syringe in her bag.

"Kawaki... are you alright? ", Himawari asked Kawaki who seemed to be thinking something really deeply.

"Sarada, will Sumire be alright? ", he asked with fear and worry clear in his voice which was shocking for everyone.

"She will be. Don't worry, she's strong. She can fight whoever comes in her way. We've got to believe in her. ", Sarada smiled warmly, but that didn't help, even a little. Those worried expressions never left Kawaki's face.

"No... she'll not be alright. Her chakra is not enough to fight a strong opponent! ", Kawaki shouted making her eyes go wide in realization.

"But... she's one of the strongest Kunoichis. She has enough chakra, she can fight. ", Shikadai spoke with confusion.

"No... oh no, why didn't I realize it sooner? ", Sarada asked herself with her hands covering her ears.

"Sarada... what do you mean? ", Chocho asked.

"Her foot injury was really bad. She was using her chakra to walk. ", Kawaki replied making everyone's hearts beat in their chest loudly, in fear. They've already lost one of their friends, they cannot afford losing another one!

"That's why she kept that syringe with her. That if she'll get out of chalra, she'll use that syringe. ", Sarada completed Kawaki's sentence.

"I swear, if something happens to her... I'm not gonna forgive her, ever. ", Kawaki said and jumped on a tree while everyone sighed.

"Sarada... you have to be a good leader and bring everyone back safely! ", Sarada scolded herself and followed Kawaki while others did the same, except Chocho.

"It seems to be affecting him a lot. ", Chocho whispered to herself and followed the others.


"Is anyone there?! ", Sumire shouted on the top of her lungs for the fifth time. "Please, help me! ", she added as she tried to open the rope using her chakra. She's sweating badly and panting heavily due to chakra loss. "Zaki isn't back yet. I hope that the person she talked about is really Boruto so we can figure things out. ", she thought to herself and tried even harder to open the rope.

"What the hell is it even made of?! ", she shouted in frustration.

"That's made up of an Uchiha's eye. It's not easy to break. ", Zaki replied in her cute voice and she approached her.

"Uchiha's eye?! Does she somehow mean Sarada?! No! It can't be! "

"You think too loud, ya know. ", Zaki's cute voice turned into a heavy one soon. "Anyways! Here's your beloved, Boruto! ", she announced making Sumire's heart drop in her stomach.


"It's the place where Princess lives. ", Gaara pointed at a place on the map resting on the table in front of him.

"I thought this place was abandoned. ", Naruto spoke.

"Yes, you're right. It was abandoned. That's the only reason that the Princess lives here. ", Shikamaru said.

"Lord Eighth. ", a voice spoke from the other side of the door with a knock.

"Come in. ", Naruto permitted. The door opened revealing Konohamaru's secret assistant; Hanabi.

"Lord Eighth, Sarada and some other ninjas have gone in search of Boruto. We've got a message from Sarada Uchiha that one of their comrade, Sumire Kakei, is in danger. ", Hanabi explained the situation. "Sumire has been captured by the Princess. ", she added making everyone's eyes go wide in terror.

"Gaara! "

"Right! "

Hope you like this chapter.

Take care!

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