5. "Unaware Kawaki"

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"Kawaki? You didn't slept? ", Sumire asked as she came out from her tent, rubbing her eyes. Kawaki stared at her for a few moments and looked back at the sun rise.

"No. "

"You should sleep, y'know. You'll get sick otherwise. ", she spoke as she sat beside him, keeping the distance. "It looks beautiful. ", she added referring to the sun rise.

After some minutes of silence, Kawaki spoke. "Why are you like this? "

"Hmm? What do you mean? "

"I mean that you never look after yourself, you're always worried for others' health. ", he said as he looked at her and found her looking lost.

"Well, maybe because I know I have my friends to take care of me? Of course, Sarada and Chocho are my best friends and they take good care of me. ", she smiled and looked at him. He looked away immediately.

No reply.

"Anyways, what to do with this thing; the Sarada and you. "

"Did I just hear her voice crack? ", Kawaki thought. "Is your throat okay? ", he asked making her confused. "I mean... your voice is cracking so-"

"Ye-yeah, I'm having throat problems as well. Don't worry, I'm taking medicine. ", though you don't really care about me or something.


"Haah! Anyways, let's wake everyone up. We've got to leave. ", Sumire got up cutting him off. She walked towards her tent to wake Chocho up while Kawaki kept staring at her back. At first, he stared at her with normal expressions but those expressions soon turned into some panick ones.

"Sumire! Get back! ", he shouted on the top of his lungs as he ran towards her.



"Where the hell is that monster?! ", Iwabe yelled as he put his weapon on his shoulder angrily.

"He was there a moment ago! ", Metal yelled back as he jumped from the tree, panting heavily due to the unbreathable fight they just had with a strange monster.

"Iwabe, Metal. don't worry, my drones will find that monster. Wait, let me check. ", Denki spoke as he turned on his laptop and started to work on it; trying to find the monster. "Shit! ", he cursed making Iwabe and Metal look at the laptop as well.

"From where the hell they all came now?! ", Iwabe yelled.


"What is... that? ", Sumire whispered to herself as she sat on the ground, where she fell, while Kawaki stood in front of her; protecting her.

"Sumire! Wake everyone up! We've got a powerful opponent! ", Kawaki shouted.

"Yes! ", Sumire shouted back and ran towards the tents while Kawaki fought the monster. The monster had two teeth coming out from his nostrils, six eyes on his forehead while 3 huge tails.

"What the hell is this thing? ", Kawaki thought as he kept getting hit by the monster and kept saving himself.

"I'm gonna take her away! ", the monster screamed in his awful voice.

"Take who away? ", Kawaki asked himself.

"Waaaa! ", the monster groaned in pain as he got hit by Mitsuki's snakes and Inojin's birds.

"What the heck?! ", Sarada panicked. "I must not let anything happen to them, especially Himawari! ", she thought as she charged towards the monster. In the air, she did the signs and released the fire ball jutsu. The monster screamed as he hit Sarada by one of his tails making her fall in the lake.

"Sarada! ", everyone panicked.

"Don't-worry about me! F-fight! ", Sarada managed to speak as she disappeared in the lake.

"Aaahhhhh!!! ", Chocho yelled as she punched the monster, using her expansion jutsu, breaking one of its tooth.

The monster sway its tail towards Sumire who got saved by a wall appearing in front of her. "Iwabe? ", she thought.

"Hell yeah! Right on time! ", Iwabe smirked.

"No time to cheer! Attack!!! ", Kawaki yelled while everyone including himself charged towards the monster. Everyone did their own signs making a huge explosion.


Sarada drowned in the lake as she was being pulled by a plant under water. She tried to free her foot but it wasn't working, she was losing breathe. "No, I can't die without becoming hokage! ", she yelled in her mind and she tried even harder to free herself, letting out a painful groan. "No... please. I can't see properly. ", she thought when she realized that her glasses are floating on the top of lake.

Her lungs started to feel heavy due to the water filling up in them. She heard the explosion noises and finally gave up trying to free herself. "Mama, papa. I'm really very sorry. ", she drowned deeper and deeper untill she saw someone in the water. She couldn't see properly due to her blurry vision but she knew that the person had a cloak on.

She finally closed her eyes.

Hope you like this chapter.

Take care!

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