24. "Purple Haired Girl"

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Where am I? Kawaki looked around him and found nothing but darkness. He wanted to move but couldn't. It was like something was holding him tight.

A light fell on someone. It was a purple haired girl spraying something on a dog. Kawaki saw her smile at someone sitting beside her. He saw her trying to spray the thing on someone else but was pushed away.

The light faded and fell behind him. He looked behind him and saw the purple haired girl struggling. He saw her putting her knee on someone's back and holding his arm. "Damn it. I thought you were meek." He heard a voice familiar to his ears. "You totally fooled me, liar." The voice added.

The light vanished and took place somewhere else. He saw the girl standing beside a bed with a guy laying there. "Hey." The guy spoke.

"What is it?" The girl asked with a soft smiled.

"That thing from earlier." The guy started. "The painkiller. Could you give me a shot?" The guy asked.

The light faded again. This time, it fell on the same place but the scene was different. He saw the girl entering a house. He then saw himself in the house. "Boruto's not here." He heard himself speak.

"I'm here to see you, Kawaki."


The light fell on another place. "It's going to sting a little." Sumire spoke as she tried to inject Kawaki.

"C'mon. I'm not a little kid." Kawaki spat.


She says sorry a lot...


It was darkness again. He felt a hand grabbing his. It was Sumire. She ran with him with her beautiful smile on her lips. She faded.


Kawaki noticed how Sumire's expressions changed when he ignored her and stared at Sarada. He noticed how her expressions changed when he scolded Sumire for something she said but agreed with Sarada when she said the same thing.

"I trust you with all my heart, Sarada." Kawaki noticed the tears in Sumire's eyes as he said that.


He saw himself and Sumire collecting woods in a forest. The time when Sumire asked if he likes Sarada and that idiot agreed. The time when Sumire asked him if he needed her help with Sarada and that idiot agreed.

"You're crying, why?" Kawaki asked.

"Oh? I am?" Sumire smiled as she wiped her tears. "Maybe I'm just too emotional about everything." She added.

No, she wasn't emotional. She was hurt. I was the one to hurt her.


Just the next day, Kawaki saw how he and Sumire sat in front of the sun rise. She asked what to do with his and Sarada thing. He was sure he heard her voice crack.

"Is your throat okay? I mean... your voice is cracking so-" How could I be that stupid?!

"Yeah! I'm having throat problems... don't worry, I'm taking medicines." She was lying. She was clearly lying! Why couldn't I see that?


The time when Sumire twisted her ankle but that idiot didn't tell anyone that it did hurt her and continued to play hero untill it got really bad.

It was the same day when Kawaki started to realise that Sumire was more than just a comrade. The day when he first noticed how beautiful her smile was.

It was also the day when he fell from the tree and made a fool of himself.


The day, during the mission, when Sumire got kidnapped by that girl and Kawaki's heart didn't stop eating hard for even a second. He was the most worried for her and was even ready to kill the girl who kidnapped her. He even got sick due to worrying too much.

That was the day when he realised his feelings for Sumire.


He remembers the night of the day they defeated Zaki and Akuma. When Sumire was out at night, alone, and was wishing for Zaki and Akuma to go to heaven and stay together forever.

"How could someone be so kind?" He wondered and didn't even notice that he had hugged her. He remembers how tightly he hugged her; he was so afraid of losing her.

When he finally realised how tight he had hughed her, and maybe even given her a hint, he quickly broke the hug, clearing his throat.

"Isn't the moon lovely?" He heard Sumire.

"Yes. It is." He saw himself reply. How much of an idiot I was?!

After a few moments, he saw Sumire kissing his cheek and the running back to her tent. He saw how hard he blushed at that.


The next day, he saw himself jumping over the trees and saw Boruto approach him. "Is something going on between you and Sumire?" He asked and Kawaki fell from the tree making a fool of himself again.

And when he got back up to the trees again, he told Boruto and Sumire kissed him and then it was Boruto to make a fool of himself by falling off the tree.


The day when Boruto told him that he and the others have arranged a date for him and Sumire. He was so flustered and chased Boruto to beat the shit outta him in the whole house.


He remembers how he messed up everything by bumping into that girl and how he saw Sumire running away-

Wait- yeah... Sumire disappeared-

No... she didn't disappear. She was in an old house with- Osamu... She was struggling.

There... was an explosion-


The darkness came back and Kawaki couldn't move once again. He heard some voices and wanted to open his eyes but couldn't.

"Please... wake up, Kawaki." It was Sumire's voice. What had happened? Why is she crying?

Don't cry... Sumire.

Hope you like this chapter.

Take care!

Drifted Apart ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora