2. "I'll try my best, papa. "

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Boruto entered a huge cave making the bats in it fly away. "It nearly ended today. ", he whispered to himself. Soon, he heard a girly laugh making him sigh.

"Welcome back, Boruto! Can't believe you can go this far just for her. ", she said.

"Shut up. ", was Boruto's reply.

"Aw, c'mon! Don't be shy. ", she laughed. "Anyways, I have a gift for you. ", Boruto could hear the smirk in her voice.

"What? ", he asked suspiciously, knowing that something's not right.

"Heh! Follow me! "


The girl walked with her emerald eyes looking happy while Boruto being annoyed as hell. The girl stopped, her hands did some signs making the wall in front of them open, revealing a burnt forest, totally burnt.

"This is the same place she is in. ", Boruto recalled. He greeted his teeth and held the girl by her collar. "I swear if you do anything to her, I'll kill you! ", he yelled.

"Oh? You'll kill me? Hah! You know the results if you kill me, right? ", she smirked. Boruto kept glaring at her and finally pushed her making her fall on the ground.

"Now show me what you wanted to, I don't have enough time for your shit. ", Boruto spat while she got up and started walking again.

She stopped somewhere and Boruto's eyes became moist at the scene he saw.

"Boruto. ", an old woman called out.

"Oh shut up, bitch. ", the girl spat. "Boruto, the thing I wanted to show you... is that. ", she pointed somewhere. Boruto looked at the direction and paled.


"Hiroshi! Don't go there! Your sissy is sleeping. ", Chocho scolded.

"But I want to play with her! ", Hiroshi pleaded with his puppy eyes.


"It's okay, Chocho. I'm done with my sleep. ", Sarada spoke as she came out of her room.

"Sissy! ", Hiroshi yelled and hugged her while Sarada let out a light chuckle.

"So? What do you want to play? ", Sarada asked.

"I want to play at the park! ", Hiroshi spoke.

"Okay. Let's go, then! ", Sarada smiled. "Go get changed, I'll be there. ", she added while Hiroshi nodded and left.

"Sarada. ", Chocho called. Sarada came to her and hugged her while she hugged her back.

"Thanks a lot, Chocho. You're the bestest friend I ever had. ", Sarada smiled warmly at her and broke the hug.

"Sarada. Why are you hurting yourself? ", Chocho asked.

"What do you mean? "

"I saw the picture, on your side table. ", she replied while Sarada sighed.

"Chocho, ever since Boruto has betrayed the village... team 7 has been separated. Konohamaru sensei became a hokage, it's a good thing but he left us. Mitsuki has returned to his laboratory, to his parent, he comes to meet us so less. ", Sarada spoke with her eyes filling up with tears. "Chocho... I miss the team we used to be. I miss everyone. I miss mama, I miss papa, I miss everything! ", she cried while Chocho hugged her with tears in her eyes.

"These past 4 years has been a hell for us. But don't worry... after every storm, it comes a rainbow. ", Chocho consoled.

Sumire joined the hug as well saying, "Sarada... if you want to bring Boruto back, we'll do it together. ", Sarada knew about Sumire's feelings for Boruto... though she was the only one who helped Sumire confess her feelings but regreted doing that. "And if you want to take revenge... we'll do it as well. ", Sumire added.

"Sissy! Let's go! ", Hiroshi yelled while the three broke the hug and left the house.


"Sarada! ", Mitsuki yelled as he approached her.

"Mitsuki? You didn't left? ", Sarada asked being confused. He usually stays only for a day but it's the third day he's here.

"You want me to leave so bad? "

"Oh, no! That's not what I meant! "

"Hah! I know, just kidding. I have decided to stay here for some weeks or maybe even months. I also want to solve this problem. ", Mitsuki said with a smile, his creepy smile.

"Oh, thanks. ", Sarada smiled back, her creepy smile, mocking him. They do that everytime Mitsuki smile and then laugh at it.

"Mitsuki! I told you it was supposed to be a surprise! ", Chocho yelled as she punched him making his fly away.

"Um, Chocho. You should go a little easy on him. ", Sumire spoke awkwardly while Hiroshi played with his friend in the background.


"Sarada. ", a voice called Sarada's name. She looked here and there. She found nothing but darkness. "Sarada. ", it repeated.

"Wh-who's that?! ", Sarada shouted.

"Sarada... do anything but don't take revenge. ", the voice said.

"Huh? Who are you?! "

"Sarada. ", a masculine figure came in view making Sarada's eyes fill up with tears.

"Papa. ", she whispered and hugged him.

"Dear, don't take revenge. on anyone. ever. ", Sasuke whispered back.

"But papa, he k-killed you and mama. ", Sarada cried.

"You should know everything before taking revenge. Otherwise it can cause many problems. It can make you regret your decisions and regret is the most painful thing ever. ", he kissed her head and smiled.

"Papa... then please tell me those things. I want to know... I don't even know what's right! "

"Maybe next time. ", Sasuke whispered as he tapped on her forehead with his index and middle finger. Sarada closed her eyes and touched her forehead with her tears still flowing out.

"I'll try my best, papa. "

Hope you like this chapter.

Take care!

Drifted Apart ✅Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz