"Please take a seat. Dinner will be ready in a few" Julia says as her eyes rake over me. Probably looking at the designer clothes i have on.

"Domenico would you come with me to my office so i can talk to you before dinner, please?" Dad asks.

Domenico looks at me with a concerned look on his face. I just nod and smile as he leaves me with Sophia and Julia.

Once they leave, i decide to take my phone out and and press record and place the it next to me on the couch. I dont know why i'm doing it but i just have a feeling i should.

"So, tell us Olivia. How did you meet him?" Sophia asks.

"Why is it of any importance to you how i met my husband" i ask her with no hint of fear like before in my voice.

"She probably slept her way up the Mafia ranks to get to him" Julia says while chuckling at her own comment.

"Probably mom, if you think about it, why would such a fine man want something as bland as this" Sophia says as she's pointing up and down my body with her finger.

I throw my head back and start to shake as i laugh before answering them

"Luckily, Domenico married a virgin and he was not married or in any relationship at the time we met and started a relationship" i say looking them both in the eyes. Both of them knew i was refering to them being sluts and man stealers.

"You bitch, i told you to divorce him. Let Sophia have him. She's better suited for him. she's a business major and can help him with his business while he run the mafia. I don't know what you did to get him, but this ends here" Julia says with so much conviction in her voice, as if i would listen to a muppet like her.

"Why should i give my husband to your spoilt daughter? Besides, he is a human being, not a piece of property that someone can just hand over. I am also a business major, so what's the big deal? Do you think all men can just be taken from their wives? Some do have entegrity and are loyal" I say to her in my calm demeanor.

"You are a fucking piece shit accusing me of things. That's why your dad never wanted you and i made damn sure
.." She was about to continue but Domenico cleared his throat as he entered the lounge with dad following behind him.

"What is going on here? Why are you fighting with my wife everytime you see her" Domenico asks Julia.

"She was the one to accuse me of doing things and i was just correcting her" she says in another voice i don't recognise. Slut!

"Olivia, why do you always accuse Julia?" Dad asks with his face red in frustration. Good thing i have the recording.

I lift my hand signaling him to hault his onslaught of false accusations. I pick my phone up and start playing the recording.

Domenico gives me a smirk while Julia looks like she's about to have a heart attack. Sophia just stare at me with an exasperated look on her face.

Once the recording was done, i decided to give them a piece of my mind.

"You are my father by blood" i say as i look into my dad's eyes. "But you were never a father to me. You never protected or cared for me. The only father i have is Domenico's uncle whom i met before knowing Domenico and now his dad and his mother is my mom" I say looking at Julia who looks like she ate sour grapes.

"What is the meaning of all this Olivia?" Dad asks.

"The meaning is the following. You never make contact with Domenico or myself again. No business, nothing" i say as dad's face pales.

"You are a child! You can not decide business on behalf of him!" Dad shouts making me smirk

"I can make Domenico do anything i want him to, that includes killing the three of you" i say giving all of them a once over accompanied by an innocent smile.

"How could you be so cruel" Julia asks.

"Cruel?" i ask as i look at Julia. "You are one to talk to me about being cruel, or did you forget how you hired Joseph Conti to kill my mother by cutting her car cables causing her to have an accident. Just so you could get to the rich man who actually owned nothing" i say, giving them a smirk as dad is rubbing his hands over his face like everything is catching up to him now.

"The company that you thought belonged to my father is actually mine according to the original will of my mother. The same company you wanted your daughter to take over one day if she also pulled a "Julia" on me like you pulled one my mom. Oh, and the daughter is exactly the same. She drugged me and tried to get two guys to rape me. It seems crime also runs in your family" i say as i throw my head backward laughing so hard that my voice is bouncing off the walls of the silent room.

I stop laughing and focus all my attention on my dad "do you feel anything for me?" I ask looking him in the eyes.

He's eyes are all over the place but he doesn't bring himself to answer.

After a few seconds i decide to put them out of their misery.
"I want you out of this house in 48 hours as this house is legally mine according to my mother's will" Julia and her daughter both gasp.

"You don't have the right to do that" Sophia says looking at dad for confirmation but his eyes remain on his feet.

"Oh, my sweet, sweet Sophia" i taunt "you have been bragging and driving around with your luxurious cars and going on countless trips with money that belongs to me. While i had to work my but off to be able to earn a schollarship to pay for my studies and do waitressing to pay for my flat. The day i turned 20 years old, was the day i had to get everything back. But daddy dearest forgot to give back what he stole from my mother" i say looking at dad.

"The company is bankrupt, so there's nothing left. All that happens in the dark shall come out in the light" i say as i stretch my hand out for Domenico to take.

"Baby, i think you should take me out to eat some decent food that's not served by a poisonous hand" i say.

"Anything for you baby" Domenico says as we make our way to the door. "Oh, and Julia. Everyones cards are blocked, because it's my mothers money" i say as we exit and head to the car. Let that be a reminder to them that my mothers death was not in vain.


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