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Pedri looked at Gavi and then glanced down at Nailea. "I'm going to the bathroom," I say, standing up from the chair.

Gavi nodded. Pedri left the room, leaving Gavi alone with her. Gavi looked down at her, feeling uneasy. He had never been in a hospital before, and it was hard to see someone he cared for lying there unconscious.

He took a deep breath and then started talking to her. "Hey, it's me," I say, taking her hand. "Pedri went to the bathroom, but he'll be back soon."

Gavi looked down at her, hoping that she could hear him. "You need to fight this," I say. "You can't give up. Pedri misses you so much, and he needs you to be strong."

He squeezed her hand, hoping that she would wake up. "I know that you can do this," I say. "You're strong, and you're a fighter. You've got this."

Gavi continued to talk to her, telling her all the things that she needed to hear. He told her how much they loved her and how much they needed her. He knew that it was going to be a long road to recovery, but he was determined to be there for her and Pedri every step of the way.

After a few minutes, Pedri returned from the bathroom. Gavi stood up from the chair, giving him a nod. Pedri sat back down in the chair, taking her hand in his.

"Everything okay?" I ask Gavi.

Gavi nodded. "Yeah, everything's fine," he says. "I just wanted to talk to her for a bit."

Pedri smiled, grateful for Gavi's support.

Gavi sat across from Pedri and Nailea, watching them. He couldn't help but smile as he saw the way Pedri looked at her. He had always been happy for Pedri, and he was glad that he had found someone who made him so happy.

As he watched them, he couldn't help but think back to the first time he had met Nailea. Pedri had been so excited for him to meet her, saying that they would get along so well. He remembered feeling a little nervous, wondering if they would have anything in common.

But as soon as he had met her, he knew that Pedri had been right. They had hit it off immediately, talking and laughing like they had known each other for years. He had been so happy for Pedri, knowing that he had found someone who understood him so well.

As Gavi sat there, he couldn't help but feel a little envious. He had always been happy being single, but seeing the way they love each other made him wonder if he was missing out on something. He shook his head, pushing those thoughts aside. He was happy for Pedri, and that was all that mattered.

He watched as Pedri kept talking to her, feeling grateful to have them both in his life. He knew that they would always be there for him, just like he would always be there for them. He smiled, feeling lucky to have such amazing friends.

The Love That Wasn't Enough | PEDRIUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum