
    "I was wrong the first time. I shouldn't hide Su Tian's disappearance from you. So this time I don't want to hide anything from you. Regarding Su Quan, that is, your son, I have done my duty to inform you. If you don’t want to see him, you can leave now.”

    “Damn it, stop dragging him on me, do you have no money or your ex-husband refuses to pay alimony, and you want to blackmail me when you see me?”

    “My ex-husband is a Excellent surgeon, he is handsome and kind-hearted, and his income is not worse than yours. I am the director of a technology company, and my income is not low. Please keep your mouth clean and stop spraying dirty on me."

     "A handsome man? Heart Okay?" He sarcastically said, "A handsome and kind-hearted person will divorce you? Did he find himself cheated like me?"

    Xin Qi's face was getting redder and redder, the veins on his forehead were protruding, and he was waving his fists in front of her. After all, it is the public area of ​​the hospital, he is not good at yelling, there is nowhere to vent his anger, his voice is getting lower and lower, his tongue is getting more poisonous, and his swearing is getting harder and harder, but Min Hui refuses to accept all of this. .

    "That's enough! Since you don't believe me, just pretend I didn't say anything."

    Min Hui pointed at the door, "Please leave immediately, and you won't use it anymore. My child and I will live well without you—"

    The voice didn't finish At the end of the day, a doctor suddenly turned out from the corridor. He was wearing a white coat. When he saw them, he greeted them from a distance, "Min Hui?"

    It was Zhou Ru Ji.

    Probably because he heard the quarrel, he strode over and stood beside Min Hui protectively.

    "The dinner party is over so soon?"


    "What's wrong with this dress? Did you fight with someone?" He pointed to the dress on Min Hui's body and asked.

    Min Hui looked down and found that she was still wearing Xin Qi's suit and a white skirt with dark red wine stains on it. If she didn't look carefully, she thought it was blood. She took off her suit and put it in Xin Qi's arms: "I'm fine."

    Both of them had sullen faces and did not introduce each other, so Zhou Ru Ji could only calm down and say, "I'm off work and I'm going to see Quan Quan. Go together?"


    "Put this on, don't scare the child." Zhou Ru Ji took off his white coat, which was ironed straight, and handed it to Min Hui, who put it on, walked to the elevator, and pressed the button. Hold the elevator key.

    Xin Qi silently followed, standing by the elevator door without saying a word, Zhou Ru Ji couldn't help being curious: "This is—"

    Min Hui didn't speak, and looked down at his shoes.

    In front of outsiders, Xin Qi quickly regained his composure: "My name is Xin Qi."

    "Zhou Ru Ji."

    The two looked at each other and shook hands politely.

    "Are you—to come to see Su Quan?" Zhou Ru Ji asked casually after looking him over and over again.

    "I'm here to find Chen Jia Jun, do you know which room he is in?"

    "507. We are going there too. Oh, the elevator is here."

    The atmosphere in the elevator was weird.

    Three faces staring intently were reflected on the smooth metal door panel.

    From beginning to end, no one said a word.

    Su Quan's ward was at the end of the corridor. Zhou Ru Ji used his influence to get him a private room, which was quieter on the one hand, and convenient to accompany him on the other. The child was weak after the operation, often complained of pain, and was in a bad mood.

  Min Hui felt sorry for her son and never left her. Considering her situation, the company allowed her to temporarily miss work, but as a technical director, she couldn't ignore the flood of work every day. 

There were only two chairs in the ward, and there was no place to sleep until she collapsed from exhaustion. Seeing this, Zhou Ru Ji dragged a single sofa from the office, which can be straightened into a bed. Thanks to this couch Min-hui was able to hold on.

    Walking to the door of the ward, Xin Qi stopped.

    Min Hui ignored him, pushed the door open and walked in.

    Zhou Ru Ji had to stop too, and asked, "Jia Jun is inside, won't you go in?"

    "Please tell him to come out," Xin Qi... -->>

The Love You Give Me (You Give Me Like) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ