Chapter 9 : Truth and Lies

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After some more minutes passed, he spoke again.
" Did you have a boyfriend before?"

" I did. It was back in early high school." She looked out the window.

" I was immature and stupid and didn't realize that he was using me to climb up the social ladder."

"How about your.... First kiss? Was it him?" Jiwoong was kind of displeased at himself and how he phrased his question.
  He also knew it was also not a good timing to throw a question like this after she just spilled about her unfortunate first relationship.

" It's first kiss. 2nd kiss. 3rd kiss and almost 4th kiss."  She  was tomato-red thinking back at the several times her lips were on his.

"Lies" He muttered under his breath.

" You know, You can just say the truth." He said. Even though he tried to keep his expression as friendly as possible, A snicker inevitablely left his mouth.

" You sound like there is already a answer you have assumed by yourself." Hana glared at him completely confused.

She was right. Jiwoong had a set of lines that he hoped she would tell him.

Something along the lines of -
" Yes, I make out with people who I met 10 minutes ago. I acknowledge It was my fault to do so when I was already your fiance. But let's just leave these behind. Since we are stuck together anyways, From now on, I would make an effort to try to love you. "

But now it appeared to him that Hana was deceiving him.

Jiwoong steered the wheel sharply all of a sudden.
" Hana, I am asking one more time. Just acknowledge it "
He stopped the car.

She flinched at how he raised his voice.
" ACKNOWLEDGE WHAT? " She yelled back at him, the volume of her voice even higher than jiwoong.

" You know that best "  Frustrated, He ran his hands through his hair.

Hana couldn't take this anymore. She got out of the car, slamming the door behind her.

Jiwoong was infuriated. Both at Hana and himself.  He took out his frustration by punching the steering wheel.

From the car's rear mirror, He could see Hana getting inside a taxi.

" I fucked up."


After the heated argument, she rode a taxi to her maternal uncle's house.

" Eonni~ " A little girl came running to her while she was conversing with the Duke and duchess.

" Oppa told me that you're my eonni and that you're also a princess!! Like Snow White !! " She cooed in her squicky voice.

Hana pinched her full cheeks that looked like dumplings.

" Park jiwoo, go back to your room. Grown ups are talking here."
  Jiwoo's mom urshed her back.

" So what brings your here, your Highness?" The duchess, her aunt said in a flatorous tone.

" Aunt, you can drop the formalities and just call me Hana. "

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