Chapter 17 : My Home

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" I told her i love her." Jiwoong placed down the glass in his hand with a loud thud.

" Yes, you did." The boy sitted across him replied. Not even a tad bit interested in hearing him blabber the same thing for the 8th time.

" She too told me that she loves me " Jiwoong got up. Leaning against the balcony railing,  staring at the moonless dark sky, he let his head plop backwards. 

" Absolutely. She indeed said it. " The other boy took away the soju bottle from Jiwoong's grip.

" But... Something feels off... I don't know how to describe it." The drunk boy ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

" Yes, Of course." But the listener was more interested in wiping his table clean.

" You don't understand! I had expectations and now that they aren't being fulfilled i'm feeling so stupid. It just feels like- "

"The distant between us has grown even more than before." Seobin completed his sentence.

Considering the amount of times Jiwoong had been repeating the same story and same script, It would've been impossible for Seobin to not have these words engraved in his blood cells.

" Now, Shoo! Get out of here." Seobin pushed Jiwoong towards the exit door.

He had enough of hearing about married couple dramas.

" I feel like jumping off this balcony right now. Why is my wife so hard to understand? "

" Aigo. That's so sad." He replied. But not a single muscle of his face moved whist he said these words.

A royal guard was already waiting outside the door to take back the prince. 

" I sense a terrible Hangover." He shrugged off as he locked his apartment after successfully shooing off the wasted boy.

However he soon found himself, thinking back on the scenes jiwoong spoke of today.

1) No change in attitude before and after accepting confession.

2) No display of affection physically or even with words.

3) My friend here is just not vibing with his wife's vibe.

" Maybe sister is just shy. "  And Seobin reached his conclusion after analysing all the information he had absorbed.


The next morning, Jiwoong woke up with a terrible headache, much to Seobin's manifestation.

As soon as he woke up, he called for the guard that brought him back home yesterday.

" Urm... Did anything happen yesterday?"  He asks to him.

" Anything as... in? " The poor guy replied, fearing for his dear life.

" Anything, as in... Princess Hana checking up on me when I came home?" He said as he looked around, not being able to maintain eye contact with the royal guard, out of embarrassment.

" No, Sir. Not that I know of." He was quite weirded out at his employer's question.

Jiwoong was expecting something, but it soon broke into shards again.

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