19. Always Bloody

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"You let me go, I will find a ship and sail away, never to be found." Aegon continued to plead.

"The Queen awaits." Aemond hissed.

"Lets rethink this." Snow countered.

"Yes." Aegon agreed. "Anything but death." 

"Grumpy handle Criston." Snow decided and Grumpy dragged Criston away. "I see this going one of two ways." Snow offered. "Aemond is king and you are far, far away. Or aemond is king and you are dead. Which do you prefer?" Aemond stared back at her.

"Far, far away!" Aegon begged. "I dont want the crown, Aemond does, he can have it!" Aegon agreed. 

"Good choice." Snow agreed. 


"A sacrifice. A sacrifice made for the stability of the realm. No king has ever lived that hasn't had to forfeit the lives of a few to protect the many. Though I understand your squeamishness." Snow offered. "I mean I dont. I killed Daemon and your father within the last 48 hours so," she shrugged. 

"Reluctance to murder is not a weakness!" Alicent spat. "Where is Aegon?" 


"Gone?" Alicent countered. 

"Such a simple word, I know." Snow offered. "But the easiest way to put it. He is gone and he is not coming back. We'll proceed now as I see fit.'' Snow decided Alicent let out a heavy sigh. 

''We will not." Alicent countered. "I'm still the queen." 

"Fine, but Aemond will be king." 

"Fine." Alicent agreed. "Is Aegon okay?"

"He was when I sent him far, far away." Snow agreed, Rhaenyra would be less okay when the dwarves got to her. 

"We will send terms to Rhaenyra on Dragonstone. True terms, such that she may accept without shame."

"If she lives, her allies will mass behind her banners, looking for her return." Snow countered wanting ALicent to come to the deadly decision so when Rhaenyra turned up dead it wouldnt sting as much. 

"Then she must not return. My husband would have desired this mercy be shown to his daughter." Alicent said confidently.

"Sure, sure." Snow lied as she walked around the office. 

"Criston Cole will be named Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. My son will be anointed tomorrow at dawn. The whole of King's Landing must witness his ascent. He will assume authority." ALicent went on. 

"Good, good, I like that." Snow agreed. 

"There will be no more dithering. My son will take the crown of the Conqueror, and carry... the kings sword Blackfyre, it will be his sword. Let the people remember the ancient strength of House Targaryen."

"Aegon is not suited. Aemond is. This is for the best." Snow assured her. 

"Where are you going?" Alicent questioned. 

"I still have work to do." Snow offered as she headed out. She pushed opened Rhaenys door to find her trying to sneak out. "Erryk, I'm disappointed in you, you didnt have to perish but hell, I'm in the mood where everything I want to do is unthinkable." Snow remarked fondly. Rhaenys ran back to the balcony to call out for help as Snow dueled with Erryk. 

"You fight like a southern." Snow remarked. "You move too slow, from armor slowing you down." She kicked out a foot. "You play by the rules while you are breaking rules." She went on. Erryk huffed for breath, he was Aegon's guard and he never did much guarding of Aegon. Aegon liked his privacy. 

Erryk stopped fighting her when she got her dagger in his neck, he choked for breath as he dropped to his knees. Rhaenys screamed out. 

"Oh good I'm tired already, thanks for making this easy." Snow offered as she gave rhaenys a shove. Snow watched as she fell with a smack on the cold hard ground. She brushed her hands off and pulled her blade free sealing the door behind her. 

"Hey, you are always bloody recently." Cregan remarked when he found her. "We are going to the coronation tomorrow. Thats fun, the last time we were all together, dad and you and me, was Rhaenyras..." 

"She's not a good queen. I can tell." Snow offered. 

"I dont care. No one does anything for the north anyways... after the coronation do you want to... I have been gone to long. I need to get back. I wanted you to come home Snow." 

"I... um I have to tell Aemond that he is going to be coronated tomorrow at dawn... I will find you after though... okay?" Cregan nodded slowly. She hated that sad wolf look in his eyes. 

"Night Snow." Cregan whispered hugging her. 

"Hey, you are my brother and I love you more than anything." Snow assured. "I just need to tell him the game plan. I will find you right after." She offered. "We can go to the coronation together tomorrow and... everything will be fine, I know it Cregan." He nodded hugging her. She watched him head of turning into his chambers before she moved to Aemonds room. 

"Tomorrow. You are to be king." Snow remarked as she hugged Aemond. 

"What about Rhaenyra?" Aemond asked thinking the worst. 

"The dwarves are handling her." Snow assured as she kissed him gently. "Rest Aemond, tomorrow you will be king."

"I'm going to make you my queen." 

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