6. Absurdity

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"You know my mother passed when I was younger." Snow remarked softly as she fed seeds to the birds on the railing. "It was a hard time. I was... well I was lucky that my father is such an honorable man." Snow offered. 

"He always said how sweet you were, and I have enjoyed your company." Viserys agreed. 

"Thats very kind of you." Snow answered. "I enjoy our talks well." Snow agreed. 

"Would you come to the small council meeting on the morrow?" Viserys requested. "I have decided to name a new bride and... I would like you to be there." 

"You dont have to remarry." Snow reminded him. "You are the king." 

"I am the king." viserys agreed. "ANd I'm... I think I found someone that I want forever with."

"You think?" Snow laughed out. "Well then yes put you future on a hunch." 

"Will you be there? Your support would mean a lot to me." 

"I will be there." Snow agreed. 


"I have to go!" Snow declared but Daemon trapped her under him kissing down her neck

"No. Stay!" Daemon begged kissing her again and again to keep her from objecting. She sighed holding him to her.

"Your brother requested me." Snow reminded him


"I dont know, moral support, thats why I have to go and find out." Snow remarked and Daemon groaned. "I will come right back. We pick up right where we left off."

"Right here?" Daemon mused a hand sliding between her legs.

"Right here." She agreed rolling him onto his back. "I will be back soon." Snow assured kissing him again before heading off. 


Viserys smiled as Snow came in, she gave him a small wave as she stood behind the council members. 

"Father, what are you doing here?" Snow questioned softly as she hugged him. 

"The king requested me. I came right away." Rickard remarked happily. "I spoke to him this morning, I just arrived-"

"He requested you?" Snow knew what was happening, she didnt understand it but she knew what was about to happen there was only one reason, maybe two reasons why Viserys would have called upon her father. Rickard gave her a proud smile.  

'Good morrow, my lords." Viserys said as he approached his council. "I have decided to take a new wife. I intend to marry..." Viserys looked around the council. "the Lady Snow Stark before spring's end."

"This is an absurdity. My house is Valyrian, the greatest power in the realm." Corlys exclaimed.

"And I am your King." 

"She's a bastard!" Corlys spat and Snow looked around the room confused. Rickard put a hand on his daughters shoulder proud. 

"My girl, a queen." Rickard whispered kissing her temple. 

"You can't marry a bastard!" Corlys kept shouting. Otto rose up as well. 

"Your grace, you should really reconsider." Otto agreed. "Your queen will be-"

"My Queen." Viserys agreed. "A union of fire and ice." Viserys declared confidently. "If you will have me, Snow." He added smiling back at her. 

"It would be an honor, your grace." Snow answered honestly. 

"She's a bastard!" Corlys kept shouting. 

"Legitimized." Snow added calmly. 

"Bastards cannot sit the throne!" 

"Hold your tongue lord Corlys, this my daughter you are talking about." Rickard warned. 


"Snow." Daemon declared pushing open her door. "You cant marry viserys!"

"He is the king. What am I supposed to say? No. I dont want to marry you?" Snow countered. 

"Yes. Exactly that." Daemon agreed. 

"Daemon, this is huge for my family, for me!" Snow declared. "Dont you see that. A Snow, a legitimized Snow as the queen. What this could mean for the north and my family."

"What about us? What about me? What about all the plans I made?" Daemon countered. 

"What plans?" snow questioned. 

"I wanted to..." too late to say marry you now, Daemon thought bitterly as he huffed out a breath. "I love you." he had wasted too much time and now Snow would never be his, if he only asked her to marry him already, done as she requested then they would have been wed and she would have been his and not Viserys. 

"I love you." Snow agreed "But Daemon-"

"There should be no buts. Only love. Only Love Snow!"

Princess Charming // Aemond Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora