In the other room, Yibo was laying in his bed thinking about Zhan's words, the last sentence he spoke rang in his ears constantly and confusingly as he tried to figure out what Zhan meant by that. He wanted to know what he meant by investing his feelings, on who...? That was the big question. He fell asleep with worry in his mind and pain in his heart as he was trying to find a way to explain to Zhan why he did the things he did.

Morning came and the alarms wasn't set for that Saturday because it was a day off. Zhan woke up with his mind clearer than I was last night. He made his bed and took his clothes and went to take a shower, when he finished he went to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast for both him and Yibo. Like I said...he woke up with his mind clearer than the previous night. He woke up understanding why Yibo did what he did, he understood that Yibo couldn't have told him because it would have been difficult for him to act as he said. Yibo did all he did and risked his name only to save him... again.

A few minutes later Yibo walked in the kitchen after being woken up by an aromatic smell of cheese grillers and eggs. He went straight to the kitchen and he saw Zhan busy preparing food, he felt hungry but when Zhan turned around....the hunger dissapeared. Zhan's eyes were swollen and looked like he had been crying the whole night. He knew it was because of him as he rushed to his side and grabbed both Zhan's shoulders and turned him to look at him when Zhan got startled by the sudden actions Yibo made. They looked into each other eyes and it felt like they were interrogating each of their souls when Zhan remembered the words he had said to Yibo.

"Zhan gē....I'm sorry, I should have not done what I did before consulting you first . I'm so sor-..."

"Yibo it's not your fault, I'm sorry I snapped at you but I was feeling horrible last night and I felt like I was amongst strangers who called themselves my friends. All you did was help me when I myself could have been clueless until it was too late. Thank you for looking out for me and taking care of me. Yibo....thank you.."

Yibo looked deep in his eyes, confused at the sudden change of heart and mind. Things didn change for Yibo, he still felt the same way he felt for Zhan for all these years and he still even blamed himself for taking action without Zhan's consent. Zhan didn't move away from Yibo or remove his hands which were on his shoulders, he just stood there and let Yibo worry about him. He liked it, all the attention Yibo had been giving him was something he didn't know he would get other than his parents. Yibo was lost while looking at Zhan's orbs, like he was exploring the secrets of the universe. He placed his hand on Zhan's cheek and Zhan leaned in on it.

Zhan felt his whole body heat up just by that simple touch that he smiled unknowingly. He felt like he was a child adored by his parents and he loved it. That moment was magic for both of them, but for Zhan ...he had found what he was looking for as his heart played the kind of music he had never heard before. It was painful for a second before it beat softer, his whole body changed with each beat. It was the heartbeat that he felt the first time he saw Yibo in the mini van when they when coming to Guizhou shooting location. He felt an overwhelmingly strong feeling that he never experienced before, a feeling of love and something else. His felt content, as his heart opened up to a level he never thought possible.

Yibo felt no different than Zhan, it wasn't the first time he felt what he felt at that moment. He was brought back to the first time he saw Zhan at Day Day Up, the day he marked to be unforgotten in his mind and heart forever. It is unknown if Yibo didn't value his past relationships only because they didn't make him feel the way he felt when he first saw Zhan. He finally understood that no one would ever make him feel that way again and he stopped searching for love, for he knew ..his heart was never going awakened by anyone ever again.

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