Bắt đầu từ đầu

" You always do! I told you today was the auction, yet you overslept?! If I hadn't constantly made calls to your brother time by time, as you already have your mobile on mute, you wouldn't have woken up until tomorrow's important exhibition while I'd be thrown out of the museum with both of our resignation letters! " Nancy jumped up and down, her bun jiggling meanwhile where Ava was just blinking innocently, thinking of some believable excuses which could be so lame like: She got late because her sausages didn't come out right.

" Fine, fine, I'm here now. Don't worry. Tomorrow, I'll be on time. "

" I don't believe you. " Nancy snapped.

" But you believe my brother, right? Yeah, you do. So, he'll make sure to wake me up in time. Now, I have work. " Ava quickly escaped from Nancy's grip in the short span of time, running into the dining hall.

Ava fished out her mobile from her skirt pocket and dialled her brother's number once she was away from Nancy's view.

" Hey, have you reached in time? " Xavier immediately asked not even answering with a hello.

" Hello to you too, brother, yeah, I practically made it on time before the Timebomb gave both mine and Nancy's resigning letter, "

" Thank God, then, just stay in Nancy's house tonight, don't come home. " Xavier said walking around his small cabin with a small paper clutched to his other hand.

" What? Why? "

" Because Nancy said there's an important auction tomorrow and I can even assure you that the sun would rise in the West but I definitely can't lie that you'll wake up on time. " he pasted the small paper that contained a small copy of an old abandoned lake.

" Then cook your own food today! " Ava grumbled in complete irritation.

" I'm doing it every day, you don't have to remind me. "

" Ahh, just get off. bye, "

There's no use arguing anymore. She had to stay at Nancy's tonight. Nancy was more than relieved to hear the matter because she did need not to be the victim of several attacks tomorrow by waiting for her friend to show up.

Then the evening, the friends departed together to the nearby cafe to get their usual takeaway coffee. Nancy gave a warm smile to the counter guy and gave him their order while Ava rolled her eyes and looked around for a while before sneaking her hand into a cookie jar and stealing a cookie without the counter guy's notice.

A slightly fat and short woman handed them their takeaway coffee cups before slapping Ava's hand which had the cookie.

" Oh my, Grandma! " Ava whined on impulse, rubbing her hand with the other forearm, slightly glaring at her grandmother for slapping her hand.

" If you want a cookie, then ask Felix, don't steal. " Ava's grandmother, Margret Jonathan pointed to the counter guy who only chuckled at Ava's scowl and handed her a tiny paper bag which she snatched from his hold immediately, mumbling incoherent words about how they should not stop her unconditional love for those cookies.

" How's your brother then? He told me he'll get you to dinner this weekend at our home... "

" Dinner? Nah, I'm not available, Margret, I have many things to do, " Ava quickly shook her head.

" I'll cook your favourite food. You never attend the lunches at least come to the dinner, " Margret only pleaded with soft eyes while Ava munched on the cookies from the paper bag, completely unbothered by the adult.

" What is she saying? " An old man wearing a pastel green apron came into view from the kitchen slightly rubbing on his reddened neck while trying to fan himself.

The Way to YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ