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Scarlett pov

Ace got me out of that room before it escalated even more, I can't believe I told them that.

I can't believe that they could be so fucking stupid. They knew they couldn't do it without me. I'm not meaning to be cocky, but I know a lot more than them.
I worked more with Dimitri in months than they did in years.

"fuck" I curse before detangling myself from Ace. I walk upstairs towards my room.

I grab the roots of my hair, there has to be another way.

I could have died, and it would have been done, but now we are risking hundreds of lives. And I still might die, this is just such a waste of time and resources.

I need to make new phone calls and inform my mafia.

"Scarlett calm down" ace said, I didn't even know he had followed me.

I shake my head and take out my phone.

Fuck, this is such a mess.

"you do know what you are doing, we are risking hundreds of lives just for one" I tell him frustrated, why does nobody care about that.

"You are worth those hundred lives" Ace says sternly, and I look at him with disbelief. I'm really not worth it.

"god, do you know how hard it was not seeing you or hearing your voice. It fucking broke me; you are important to me" Ace confesses.

"every time I think about you dead in a casket, it makes me want to die too. I can't fucking imagine how it would be without you here" I tear up, I never thought it would be so difficult for them.

"ace I'm not good for yo-"

"no, you need to listen. I don't give a shit about you not being good enough for me. We are saving you because we can't stand the thought of you dead. You mean everything to me, Elijah, Nico, Matt-" I cut him off with a kiss. I didn't need to hear more.

He froze for a second before moving his lips with mine.

The last kiss we had was a goodbye, but this, this is different.
My lips moves slowly against his first, then it became more urgent. We both have wanted this for months.

His hands go to my waist and mine travel up to his neck. I pull at the roots of his hair making him groan into my mouth. He pulls me flush into his body.

He pulls away smiling down at me.

Why is he so fucking tall.

"go on a date with me" he asks, well more says.
"yeah" I answer breathless, he smiles and dips in for another kiss.

We end up kissing for a good ten minutes before my phone buzzes. I know I need to take this, but I don't want to.

I pull away and Ace groans. I take out my phone and I see Oliver call me. I put the phone to my ear and walk towards the window.

"WHY WOULD YOU TELL STELLA THAT!" he screamed at me, my whole-body tenses.

'I'm going to beat him dead' they yelled

'I'm going to kill them one by one in front of you.' he screamed

"you shut your mouth" I hiss out after I recover from my little shock.

'I'm going to put so many bullets in his head, god won't even recognise him' they screamed at me.

I can't stand being yelled or screamed at; it makes flashbacks appear. I guess that's what Dimitri wanted.

"she doesn't want to talk to me and it's all your fault" he says, oh he will pay for talking to me like that.

I don't drive my mafia on fear and threats like Dimitri does, I drive it on loyalty and respect.
We are like a big family, but sometimes my men gets a little too comfortable around me, like right now.

I don't necessary think I'm better than others, but there is a line, one that he crossed. Blaming me for a mistake he made, is low.

"Watch how you speak to me; you said you would tell her. It's on you, not me, not stella, you. now put your panties on and go fix it." I tell him.

I hang up the phone and look at Ace who is sprawled out on my bed.
He looks at me, and signals for me to lay next to him.

"who are you really" he asks me. I'm surprised Damien hasn't said anything yet.

I sit down beside him instead of lying down, my new bruises are uncomfortable as hell.

"I'm diabla, I was маленький монстр" I tell him, and his face is shocked.

"-w-w-what say it again" his eyes are blinking fast. I let out a small laugh.

"y-you heard me" I tease him, and he lets out a deep chuckle. And fuck me, it was hot.

"so that's how you know my dad" he says with a smile.
" yeah, plus I am scar TC" I say with a shrug, my company does a lot of work with his. He gapes at me.

"what's coming next, a mafia leader?" he jokes after recovering from his shock. I laugh as I shake my head. if you knew

"you know, I missed you too. But I wanted you to be prepared for my death. There is still a big chance I will die" I tell him after a few minutes of silence.
I don't want to ruin the mood, but it had to be said.

He sits up and leans against the headboard. He pats his thigh, but I make no move to sit on his lap.

He reaches for me and lifts me on his lap like I was a fucking feather. I mean his body is very fine, so it didn't really surprise me.

I give him a playful glare that he returned.

He keeps his hands on my hips as I straddle him.

"you're not going to die; I won't let you" I let out a scoff. His face moves closer to mine. "now, stop being cold and come back to me." he whispers, and I can tell how much he means this.

I rest my forehead against his and close my eyes. This is more affectionate than the kiss we shared.

I know I need to come back, and now I plan to do that.

I'm still fucking pissed at my friends, but Ace helped me see a little better.

We talked before we fell asleep.

1093 words

That's it for today.

I AM GOING TO UPDATE AGAIN!! I'm just using more time to write the chapters, I have a lot to figure out about the book. I don't want it to be too long but not to short. I don't want it to be boring but it can't be to much either, you get it?


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